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When to give your child their first mobile phone – and how to keep them safe

Pollution from coal power plants contributes to far more deaths than scientists realized, study shows

This Thanksgiving − and on any holiday − these steps will help prevent foodborne illness

Americans have less confidence in vaccines to address a variety of illnesses than they did just a year or two ago, and more people accept misinformation about vaccines and COVID-19, according to a...

For a brief moment in the summer of 2023, the surprise No. 1 song “Rich Men North of Richmond” focused the country’s attention on a region that often gets overlooked in discussions of the U.S....

Compassion fatigue can happen to anyone — here’s how you can overcome it

I’d like to introduce the term nightmare mind-virus as a synonym for wetiko. This coinage captures an aspect of this virus of the mind that adds to and complements the name wetiko.

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Resistance is anything in our experience that impedes our progress in a desired direction. We can be aware of our resistance, or it can operate in a slightly more undercover fashion.
It is the confusion over what truth is that creates fear and anxiety for so many. A large majority of people believe that certain individuals and groups are "right" on an issue and have the truth, whi...
The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.
Many people spend much of their lives searching for this purpose, seeking exter­nal validation, unaware that the answers they seek are already available within them.
June 29, 2023 - Taking action predicated only on the desire for personal profit is damaging to one’s soul, one’s relationship with other people, and even damaging to the planet.
In practice, what does it mean to be curious? What are we meant to be curious about, and how does this help us find clarity and develop compassionate accountability?
June 28, 2023 - Do not fear your intuitive power. Allowing the subtle and overt truths told by your intuition into your life more consistently will cause energetic shifts in your body.
June 27, 2023 - Are you a person who one day asked herself (or himself): I wonder if my thoughts are accurate?
Although you may know you’re a good person who has something to offer the world, when your victim pattern runs your life, you inevitably feel stifled and trapped by people you’ve encountered in the pa...
June 26, 2023 - No one is either evil or good, but their actions are one or the other. There are only choices between the two - loving or not.
In all the readings that I have done over the years, I have never met anyone that didn’t have a whole team of guides with them.
June 23-24-25, 2023 - Premodern cultures assigned the dream an important place in daily life. Individuals expected to receive dream advice on how to treat a health problem or prepare for a journey.
I believe my journey with Plant communication began with Mulberry—although it may have started before I could even imagine. Do we ever really know when a journey begins?
By all the usual measurements, I was successful and living the American dream at full speed. But my success came at a great cost to my health and rela­tionships...
June 22, 2023 - The biggest block to accessing our intuition and inner wisdom is thinking we can't. As soon as we doubt our capability...
I’ve decided to write a letter to my daughters in 2050. But when I pick up my pen, I can’t do it. My brain is too crowded with images of a mid-century that I may not live to see.
June 21, 2023 - Your past may be loaded with pain, suffering, and difficulty, but you are trying to build a new life. Leave the past where it was...
June 20, 2023 - It is in the real world that awakening and development need to occur, not off in remote solitude.
June 19, 2023 - For years, I was most definitely what you might term a "controller." The controlling made me feel safe.
Keeping your environment as healthy as possible will not only help sustain the Earth, it will also help sustain the health of all liv­ing things that depend on the health benefits the Earth provides.
The pursuit of mastery is not an easy road. But if you don’t think it’s possible for you personally, you’re not likely to pursue it.
June 16-17-18, 2023 - We feel more alive when we finally come home to who we are in our entirety — not to some manicured and spir­itualized image but to who we are as we show up, moment by moment.
I think dreams are in danger, and if dreams are in peril, then so too is our health, on an individual and a collective level.
Each one turns or does not turn into the suffering, grows or does not grow, recovers or does not recover. Completely subjective, comparison is meaningless.
June 15, 2023 - We each have a Higher Self that is just waiting to make itself known to us. If we but silence the mind and listen with the heart, then there It shall be.
June 14, 2023 - Meaningful interactions with nature not only can teach, but also help people rejuvenate, reflect, and recognize the importance of the outdoors.
June 13, 2023 - We are wanting to unfold the truth of our own inner light in order to make a fulfilling contribution to the whole.
June 12, 2023 - Maybe we are so surrounded by miracles that we start to miss them, to take them for granted.
General empaths may identify with just a few qualities of empathing, as opposed to sensitive empaths or psychic empaths.
Over the years, I have explored the mystical mainly for myself and not related to my role as a physician healer.
The Earth is attuning too. We are Earth Whisperers, listening to the Calling of ourselves and the Earth!
From early childhood, our inner dialogue (also sometimes referred to as self-talk or thinking to yourself ) plays an essential role in how we think, feel, and act. And
June 9-10-11, 2023 - YES is a magic word! Get yourself in a comfortable, uncluttered, quiet place, and for three minutes, just say YES, over and over...
June 8, 2023 - As neighbors, we care for one another, for our children, for our elders. And this care is the basic power of a community...
June 7, 2023 - There is nothing neutral about peace; it’s a radical way to live.
June 6, 2023 - And how often have you said to yourself, “Something is telling me I should [or shouldn’t] do this”?
June 5, 2023 - Within each of our hearts is a gift. It is up to us to unwrap it.
We are at a crucial tipping point in our workplaces, our families, our society, and our planet. There is a tremendous need to find clarity: in our thinking, feelings, goals, actions, relationships, an...
“When does it end?” I am on the receiving end of this question all the time in my work. I get it. Growth is invigorating, enlivening, hopeful, and optimistic. It can also be demanding, confusing, isol...
An hour of deep silence is a natural therapy that is perhaps more effective than hours in a “shrink’s” office. And the only way to prove it is to try.
Viewing your life through your ego lens inevitably makes you doubt yourself.
June 2-3-4, 2023 - We need to try to see the journey we've taken as necessary, glean from it what value we can, and...
To make gratitude part of who we are requires our conscious attention throughout each day. Eventually, it becomes routine, and we naturally gravitate toward grateful thoughts.
June 1, 2023 - The journey to healing is unique to every individual. There are many different routes that people can take.
The origins of obesity are deep and wide, beginning at conception and even earlier. To consider an individual with obesity, we need to view that person as a biological, emotional, and spiritual being...
May 31, 2023 - At a certain point, each of us must be willing to simply let go, and trust...
May 30, 2023 - You can choose to reside within your heart and, therefore, within your soul.
May 29, 2023 - As human beings, the greatest gift we have at our disposal can also be the greatest weapon—words.
Ancient biblical and Greek cultures through modern analysts like Jung and Hillman affirm that we can receive psycho-spiritually based and nonrational messages, images, prescriptions, or insights for h...
Crystal energy is very much about opening and awakening the right brain’s potential for imagination, creativity, playfulness, joy, and a childlike innocence and spirit
May 26-27-28, 2023 - We all must express our truth. When you don’t tell the truth up front, your truth comes out in weird ways that make more trouble for everyone.
Our dogs, furry gurus as they are, have much to teach us about compassion and joy.
May 25, 2023 - Do you have any negative ideas about how the world works? Take a moment and consider...
There was a time when a critical mass of events and probable futures came together that could have resulted in the annihilation of the human race, and a decision needed to be made
May 24, 2023 - Kindness, especially in the form of compassion, is contagious...
May 23, 2023 - In the beginning of meditation, you don't know what you're supposed to do...
May 22, 2023 - You are not living for yourself, but for the good of all...
One way to learn how to trust our psychic hits is by using a pendulum. Pendulums are great tools for confirming or denying a psychic hit.
We are bombarded with a need to immediately react or complete tasks—sometimes consciously but more often sub­consciously.
When my trauma is stimulated in present time, I am overwhelmed with fear, terror, rage, and despair, all jumbled together. I can’t think things through.
It used to be that our community, political, and spiritual leaders were paradigms of wisdom who lived their values and manifested their principles.
May 19-20-21, 2023 - We all experience varying degrees of fear and discomfort, but anytime we proceed anyway, we're activating our courage.
May 18, 2023 - It is up to us to pay attention to the message... everyone is our teacher and a divine emissary from the Universe.
The inner victim is not only a fundamental aspect of our psyche but also one of the most powerful.
May 17, 2023 - You can be a force for good — a field that clears pain by not engaging with it.
May 16, 2023 - Nothing is more important for the future of humanity than a global return to joy.
Many people are rightly wondering which of these compounds are legal, whether it is safe to consume them and which of their supposed medicinal benefits hold up to scientific scrutiny.
May 15, 2023 - I stop and make regular pauses of a few minutes during the day.
Through repetitive patterns, you experience emotions that your ancestors might have experienced. Emotions are the connecting element between two worlds...
Can watching others eat junk food can suppress our appetite and help us lose weight?
I’m beginning to notice a few unexpected benefits from looking my age.
May 12-13-14, 2023 - When we live in artificial, human-made, climate-controlled environments, we don't learn to tune to the flow of nature.
The first instruction for participants in pain management clinics is to begin to experience their pain, to feel the sensations, allow them, explore them.
May 11, 2023 - We can learn to purposefully and intentionally practice love.
If you have had a strained relationship with money in the past, this is an incredible opportunity for you to close out that tired old story and begin imag­ining what life looks and feels like when tha...
May 10, 2023 - People want to feel their lives matter, to experience heartfelt community and know that they “belong.”
May 9, 2023 - Softening means that you can bend and not break; it means having an attitude of openness, willingness, and acceptance toward what life throws at you.
May 8, 2023 - Just trust that all is well, whatever Life brings you.
A well-known saying asserts “Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you react to it.” Missing from this thought philosophy is the key point that your reactions affect others in prof...
May 6-7, 2023 - It's time to choose courage to embody our best selves by taking constructive action.
Dreams can…and do…come true; there are no limits to what we can achieve.
May 5, 2023 - I encourage you to get rid of everything you neither need nor want in your life.
Every enduring culture leans heavily on its tribal elders to nourish the younger generations with the wisdom that comes with experience. For better or for worse, the modern Western world has left many...
May 4, 2023 - The problem is that we do everything with the mind, and we are planning continuously for the future.
The pharmaceutical industry promotes the fantasy of zero pain: take a pill and elim­inate pain. But pills offer only temporary, superficial relief and often have adverse effects.
May 3, 2023 - Be joyfully generous with yourself and others, in terms of money, smiles, time, attention, and thought...
May 2, 2023 - The practice of futurization helps us to feel confident and positive as well as opening up our brain to new possibilities.
In the eyes of the dominant culture, women, like nature, are deemed substandard. The feminine aspects of the world and in ourselves have been suppressed.
May 1, 2023 - Give yourself the gift of kindness and compassion, which is at the core of any loving relationship.
Our last common ancestor with the octopus existed more than 500 million years ago. So why is it that they seem to show such peculiar similarities with humans, while at the same time appearing so alien...
We need dreams and attention to them. When it is not available through established religious or civic ritual, people will seek it in other forms.
Living in a straightjacket is not the most pleasant experience.
April 28-29-30, 2023 - Take a few moments, right now, to ask yourself "What can I do to better take care of myself?"
For many people, spring has brought with it the dreaded symptoms of hay fever, such as itchy eyes, sneezing and a stuffy nose. Hay fever is common, affecting up to 42% of people. It occurs when the im...
My commitment to these principles infuses every facet of my life, including my business relationships and leadership philosophy.
Humans weren’t the first engineers, doctors and farmers – bacteria, plants and animals have lots to teach us...
April 27, 2023 - Fulfillment must finally be recognized in terms of enjoyment.
How does intermittent fasting affect athletic performance? There’s no simple answer.
Many have observed that sometimes when given a toy as a present, children play with the box the toy came in, or even the gift wrapping.
April 26, 2023 - The good news is that we can all improve our levels of happiness with daily practice.
April 25, 2023 - In each of the encounters we have throughout the day, we leave something behind.
4-day work week trials have been labelled a ‘resounding success’. But 4 big questions need answers.
Psychedelics may better treat depression and anxiety symptoms than prescription antidepressants for patients with advanced cancer.
April 24, 2023 - The kind of happiness I value is deeper – grounded in connection...
Our ancestors honored their connection to the earth. Simpler lifestyles connected people to the land, with its natural, nurturing, and gentle electrical energy. But, your connection to the land can be...
There is general consensus that the problems of postindustrial civilization are real. Through the years I’ve come to the realization that the problems are not only real, but that they are also severe....
April 23, 2023 - The path with heart has no set of predictable moves to ensure success. It is not a set of routines or a prescription of step-by-step actions.
For many people, retirement is a time of reinvention without a blueprint, a shift to flextime, part-time, volunteering, service, lifelong learning, or caregiving.
April 22, 2023 - Just as negativity can block your intuition so, too, can unrealistic positivity.
Do any credible utopian dreams paint an optimistic future? Or is the prospect of human happiness ruled out by the scale of our contemporary problems?
Research into relationships can help us understand why some people desire the approval of a parent who is abusive, insensitive or inconsistent in their love – or who rate high on what’s known as “dark...
Practicing gratitude has positive effects on our body, mind, and social connections; it improves our health and well-being in numerous measurable and immeasurable ways.
April 21, 2023 - Listening goes far beyond accurately hearing another person's words, although that's the starting point.
April 20, 2023 - A regular diet of sacred speech and silence nourishes the soul and opens the door to soul encounter.
For every feeling we experience, there is a lot of complex biology going on underneath our skin.
What causes motion sickness? Here’s how to reconcile the mismatch in what your senses are telling your brain.
Drought has direct consequences on our lives, not least because it threatens basic foodstuffs such as milk.
You can amplify the focal power of mantras through the field of your body and aura with crystals or other minerals.
April 19, 2023 - The moments of our lives matter. We don’t want to waste them. Not a single one.
April 18, 2023 - Should your present experience be met with crisis, once you recover from its initial impact, determine if it can be used as a Chrysalis Crisis.
Poppies can be a problem for crops if they appear in large numbers. We informally call them weeds, but what are they really and how bad are they?
April 17, 2023 - Ask two questions: What am I feeling and why am I feeling this way?
While this article is directed to new immigrants, its precepts can be applied to anyone experiencing challenges in life.
Five easy ways to use less water at home – and not just in a drought.
New research shows your plants could be silently screaming at you.
One of the benefits of creatively planning your life is that it allows you to simplify. You can weed out, delegate, and eliminate all activities that don’t contribute to your projected goals.
April 16, 2023 - Hatred, anger and resentment do not a happy person make.
To paint or not to paint? That is the question that many homeowners are facing as their dreams for perfect turf are battered...
Why do mass shooters kill? It’s about more than having a grievance.
Often, people don’t even notice that they’re talkers. It’s important, therefore, to observe your own behavior and read the body language of others to learn if you’re a talker.
April 15, 2023 - A few minutes in nature reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol, giving your body and spirit a break.
I have used these keys for many years in my classes. I offer them to you to facilitate your spiritual journey.
April 14, 2023 - Stop, pause, and experience the brilliance of being fully alive.
April 13, 2023 - We can make ourselves healthy or sick through our thoughts and our emotional reactions to those thoughts.
We must be willing to let go of the old to embrace the new. We must be willing to accept guidance from our Higher Self even when we don’t want to.
April 12, 2023 - Have you noticed that the things that you dislike doing are the ones that seem to take forever to get done?
April 11, 2023 - What survives you and me are the world’s children. I imagine them awaiting our wisdom.
We can never truly separate our work and personal lives – and that isn’t necessarily bad.
April 10, 2023 - Visualize the clearing of your energy and protect yourself, no matter what your occupation may be.
Paraphrasing poet Gary Snyder, meditation is a process of entering into our deep identity over and over again, until it becomes the identity from which we live.
April 9, 2023 - Be solution-oriented, not problem-oriented. To do that, approach your problems with perfect confidence...
The unitive mystical experiences that are frequently generated by the classic psychedelics can provide experiential confirmation of our essential commonality with all other people—indeed with all life...
April 8, 2023 - The true secret of a great life, as I see it, is making a difference for others.
Here’s why having chocolate can make you feel great or a bit sick – plus 4 tips for better eating.
In France and other Western societies, it is increasingly common to see interior designers become bakers, ex-bankers opening up cheese shops, and marketing officers taking up electricians’ tools.
In an age of polarization, it is worth remembering that one of the pillars of King’s philosophy was pluralism: the idea of multiple communities engaging one another, acknowledging their differences an...
The Dances of Universal Peace are participatory body prayer, not performance art.
April 7, 2023 - Meditation is the invitation we give the universe to use us, to make us a tool of revolutionary benefit to the world as it exists.
One new idea that’s gaining attention is the concept of food forests – essentially, edible parks.
Everyone has one, but you might not know much about it. Biologist Sarah Leupen explains the ins and outs of belly buttons.
The goal is to increase movement in any way that works for you, from formal classes to spurts of additional activity throughout the day.
April 6, 2023 - One of the most important things to drop in this current time is judgment; judgment of yourself and judgment of others.
For many Muslims breaking fast in mosques around the world this Ramadan, something will be missing: plastics.
There’s power in completing projects or tasks. We actually can get an endorphin rush when we complete something
April 5, 2023 - If you breathe deeply, you imbibe of life and what it has to offer.
April 4, 2023 - Distraction has become a way of life, and over the years we have created grander and grander methods of distraction.
Our animal companions traverse through life each day . . . instinctively navigating in the fifth dimension of consciousness.
April 3, 2023 - Self-love has to have a strong, disciplined base if we are to grow up into contented loving and lovable people.
Gratitude is like a new lens through which to view the world and our part in it.
April 2, 2023 - We can become more centered, awake, and peaceful in the midst of daily activity.
Closure is a myth: How to help students and teachers deal with grief after a school shooting.
April 1, 2023 - Recognizing we are all spiritual creatures has helped me be more forgiving and tolerant of myself and others.
Green tea is consistently featured in the list of the healthiest beverages in the world, and for good reason.
Neuroscientists have long assumed that neurons are greedy, hungry units that demand more energy when they become more active, and the circulatory system complies by providing as much blood as they req...
American professor Jon Kabat-Zinn is credited with popularizing the kind of mindfulness that has caught on with non-Buddhists today, starting with his “mindfulness-based stress reduction” program in t...
March 31, 2023 - The most powerful thing you can do in every moment is to choose joy.
March 30, 2023 - We have the power to replace those old beliefs that aren't working anymore through doing good.
March 29, 2023 - You can learn to flow with change.
March 28, 2023 - You know happiness when you see, hear, and feel it.
March 27, 2023 - We can move toward creating a life of more meaning and satisfaction, of greater connection, health, and cooperation.
Healing is the leap out of a victim identity and into survivorship and service, out of suffering and into myth, out of the personal and into the collective, out of history, politics, society, and cult...
March 26, 2023 - Getting in touch with the deeper resources inside yourself—the strength, love, courage, and innate protection—will help you to associate with the deeper parts of yourself...
The mountain roads around my home are flooding, only weeks after we escaped wildfires. Climate change is here now. And all of it—human civilization, the animals, the Earth itself—is at risk. We are in...
March 25, 2023 - Make it your daily practice to notice, every day, as often as you can during the course of your day, how things are feeling to you.
It used to be that America was a “front porch” country. We knew our neighbors and had block parties on the Fourth of July.
March 24, 2023 - Remember, each time you judge yourself or deny parts of yourself, you retract from the unconditional love that is your birthright.
Consumerism carries two related messages that dampen the impulse to discover hidden treasure in our own neighborhoods.
March 23, 2023 - The invisible world around us constantly helps us and sends us signals.
March 22, 2023 - When you sense that you really don't feel like doing something... stop and ask yourself what you really would like to do at this time.
March 21, 2023 - Will the experience of praying peace, of becoming peace, take us safely past this threshold...
Our bedrooms aren’t refuges anymore – working, studying and eating in them is bad for our sleep.
Eating together regularly as a family has long been promoted as a simple solution for improving health and wellbeing.
March 20, 2023 - "I am always doing better than I think I am."
Stepping into the unknown and be­yond the constraints we have created for ourselves is no small feat, but it is a worthwhile effort.
March 19, 2023 - The most basic fact about being human is that peace is our own true nature, our fundamental state of mind.
As we amble along our chosen path, we encounter many distractions. One of the most insidious is the notion that to pursue a path is sufficient, that pursuit is an end in itself.
March 18, 2023 - The paradox of awakening or enlightenment is that while you feel very deeply, you don't take your feelings personally.
I have found that a great book is even more powerful the second time through, especially if it has been a year or so since I read it.
March 17, 2023 - Our intuition is our best guide and a welcome companion to our rational mind.
Metaphysics teaches that you don't go to Heaven just because you have been a good person; you grow to Heaven through the gradual, majestic process of spiritual evolution.
March 16, 2023 - A successful relationship has two very important components: learning to love yourself first, and then learning to love another person.
Among humans, storytelling is universal. It is what connects us to our humanity, links us to our history, and gives us a peek at our possible futures.
March 15, 2023 - You are the author of your unfolding life story, as are we all. Regardless of how things have gone up to this point – and you probably have regrets and judgments like I do – this is y...
March 14, 2023 - We recognize the light hidden in the shadows, and rise above the hurt, anger, and frustration...
Why do small rural communities often shun newcomers, even when they need them?
The world is heading for a change. It has already begun, and your personal and individual quest to align with your soul mission is part of it!
March 13, 2023 - People who are genuinely concerned with others have a much happier and more peaceful state of mind...
Coretta Scott King was a committed activist in her own right. She was deeply involved with social justice causes before she met and married Martin Luther King Jr., and long after his death.
“Jesus Christ was a sportsman.” Or so claimed a preacher at one of the regular sporting services that were held throughout the first half of the 20th century in Protestant churches all over Britain.
In exchange for access to their digital products and services, many tech companies collect and use our personal information. They use that information to predict and influence our future behaviour.
March 12, 2023 - Boredom is not a condition; it is an attitude.
One legend is from northern Scotland in the United Kingdom, where a cold, murky and mysterious freshwater lake called Loch Ness is located. “Loch” is pronounced as “lock.” The word means “lake” in the...
Abundant research shows that unverbalized memories are not necessarily lost. Often, they return in the form of flashbacks and physical sensations.
It isn’t just artists and teachers who are losing sleep over advances in automation and artificial intelligence. Robots are being brought into Hinduism’s holiest rituals – and not all worshippers are...
Even though it appeared as if I was aloof (a genuine characteristic of an Alpha), my attention was fully locked into the conditions of the present moment.
While flamingos appear to live in a very different world to humans, they form cliques much like human ones. Like us, flamingos have a need to be social, are long lived (sometimes into their 80s) and f...
March 11, 2023 - An increasing body of evidence shows that changing the way we think about stress might actually better help us manage it.
When life seems chaotic, especially in the toughest times, it can be hard to even remember what actually brings us joy.
March 10, 2023 - Listening may seem passive, but it's not; in fact, it's almost the opposite.
Do you feel that you are living your life in full bloom? Do you too feel as if there’s a ceiling on life that shows up in different ways?
March 9, 2023 - We must quiet our cluttered minds, transcend limited thoughts and beliefs, and step into the present moment to find...
A useful skill for finally letting in the voice of reason is to “do the emotional math.” This skill enables us to know the truth...
March 8, 2023 - Every action, thought, and response can be practiced with kindness.
March 7, 2023 - For many people, music is an easy and amazingly effective way to become centered.
March 6, 2023 - It is important to be open to miracles.
Our dominant culture trains us to be disembodied. Separating our minds from our bodies makes humans less healthy but more docile and obedient to external power structures.
March 5, 2023 - One of the best ways to hear that voice or those insights is by consciously inviting moments of Stillness into your life.
March 4, 2023 - My hope is that we can find out how to develop our own wisdom and love toward others and ourselves.
In modernity, magic has often been dismissed, ridiculed and banished as suspect, woo-woo nonsense. It can seem that only those people who are foolish, young and crazy deal in such things.
March 3, 2023 - Beliefs are not irrevocable, sacrosanct sets of truths. They are only thoughts we continue to think.
Looking futureback will help you find clarity so you can be very intent but very flexible about how you’ll get there.
March 2, 2023 - Being your true, authentic self means you can say no from a place of love rather than say yes from a place of fear.
March 1, 2023 - In the practice of mindfulness, we are reminded to make each action consciously.
February 28, 2023 - By being true to yourself, you will begin to experience harmony and peace.
February 27, 2023 - As we release fear-based models of love, we open to the gift we were born to receive...
February 26, 2023 - The intuitive is our heritage. It is our doorway to new sight -- to new vision. It, as much as the intellect, defines us as human.
Wellness is a state of living that applies to all living creatures — humans, animals, and plants.
February 25, 2023 - “If you believe you can do a thing, or if you believe that you cannot, in either case you are right,” said Henry Ford.
We human beings are such incongruous creatures, saying one thing while thinking or feeling another. We flaunt and celebrate parts of ourselves, hide, repress, and deny others.
February 24, 2023 - Bringing our own loving attention and acceptance to all the parts of us we’ve rejected over the years.
February 23, 2023 - The greatest psychic and seer in the world is the human body.
The term wayshower is being used with more and more frequency as humanity continues its evolutionary journey toward embracing and embodying higher levels of consciousness.
February 22, 2023 - Healthy people understand that our minds play a critical role in our physical well-being.
February 21, 2023 - When you accept responsibility for your actions, emotions, and responses, you learn to become more confident in your ability to handle all that life throws at you, and you become yo...
If you were born before the year 2000, you most likely experienced the old reality, which I have come to think of as the outside-in culture .
February 20, 2023 - How many times have we stopped ourselves from doing something we really really wanted to do, but were afraid to?
Email is often a means of informal communication. As such, you can dramatically decrease the amount of time spent on email with short, efficient replies. Dispense with formalities whenever possible an...
February 19, 2023 - Maybe we could start each day by asking ourselves "Where is my joy today?" And making a point of creating at least one experience of joy...
Australian humpback whales are singing less and fighting more. Should we be worried?
Entering a new decade is often a time to pause and reflect on our lives, particularly when reaching middle age. For 50-year-old American men, the average remaining life expectancy is 28 more years; fo...
What does the Bible say about homosexuality? For starters, Jesus wasn’t a homophobe
Fear happens. It’s unavoidable. It’s part of what makes us human. When fear rears its ugly head, it creates havoc. Though this is never an easy experience, it can be particularly damaging for spiritua...
February 18, 2023 - The primary question, then, is not, How do I take care of myself or my family or my community? but, How do I care for the world?
The act of recalling memories or dreaming into the future is an intimate relationship with longing.
February 17, 2023 - We, ourselves, helped to bring about the situations we’re in. We can learn from them and let them go.
Let us contemplate at least eight lessons animals can teach us, if we dare to open to them.
February 16, 2023 - If we all lived up to our highest vision of ourselves, we would also inspire others to do the same.
To make our state of mind more important than what we are doing is to walk a spiritual path. That’s pretty basic. But it all becomes a little more complicated...
February 15, 2023 - If I do not accept and enjoy these blessings today, I lose them forever.
February 14, 2023 - We are the healers. We are Love. And we must live it everywhere in every way. We must think it, say it, be it, and do it.
Beetroot is gaining popularity as a performance-enhancer for athletes and those wanting to gain a competitive advantage in running and cycling.
Ah, Valentine’s Day: that Hallmark holiday of greeting cards and chocolates, its bloody origins almost entirely forgotten over the last 2,000 years!
February 13, 2023 - We can always control our ability to live from an open heart, to be kind, and to show compassion and love to ourselves and others.
Civility cannot be legislated, mandated, or enforced by governments—it comes from internalizing civil values in our lives. In other words, as we become happier, we also become more civil, and becoming...
February 12, 2023 - You can learn to see things in a healthier way.
Taking control of your health starts with being aware of the factors that influence your personal well-being. But a healthy lifestyle is more than just awareness...
February 11, 2023 - The great work ahead of us, Riane Eisler reminds us, is replacing the well-entrenched model of domination, based on fear and a need to control, with a new way of living...
Lying is typically viewed negatively. In fact, being judged a liar is often seen as one of the worst characteristics you can ascribe to someone.
If you don’t know any people of color, you can still make inroads and build relationships that are mutually helpful and beneficial with diverse businesspeople, even without an introduction from a frie...
Though hemp and marijuana belong to the same species of plant, Cannabis sativa, they each have a unique chemistry, with very different characteristics and effects.
It is the amount of parental care the offspring receives that supports a larger brain.
February 10, 2023 - Mindfulness, when practiced consistently, can feel like your awareness is so laser sharp that you can see things beyond what’s on the surface. Are you aware like that? Most people...
From the moment of conception, the human body builds two waste processing systems. Recycling happens for cells that are dying or cells that have waste prod­ucts...
February 9, 2023 - Right now, look around at all of your options and choices. Decide that from today onward you will create the world that you want.
Each time we go out of our way to encourage, support, share, and enjoy a neighbor, we are putting the world to rights on our own street.
February 8, 2023 - An integral way of reclaiming your innate power is by attuning to the wisdom of the heart
February 7, 2023 - Remember this: whether it’s a weed in the garden, a dream, desire—or even fear—what we feed and focus attention on will eventually grow the most.
February 6, 2023 - When we maintain a peaceful perspective, things flow much more smoothly.
February 5, 2023 - I want you to look deeply and fondly at the person in your mirror, and say, “I love you.”
We all want to have better lives, less stress, more joy, more focus, more success. But to have all this we need to understand our brains—and the importance of brain health.
February 4, 2023 - Through meditation we develop the skills and power to relax and clear our minds...
Kindness is one of the most civilized expressions of the human being. The well-known US writer George Saunders says that what he regrets most in life are failures of kindness.
Many people think of commuting as a chore and a waste of time. However, during the remote work surge resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, several journalists curiously noted that people were – could...
February 3, 2023 - Stopping ourselves from overreacting even once a day will impact our lives and all of our rela­tionships in a way we’d never have anticipated.
The microbes living in your food can affect your risk of cancer. While some help your body fight cancer, others help tumors evolve and grow.
The magnetic field that has always pulled me along in this life has been my sense of wonder—which fed my wondering and wandering.
Studying the past, through what people leave behind, can offer insights into some of the world’s challenges – like hunger, health, and protecting the environment.
February 2, 2023 - The more we display and practice courage, the more we gain confidence.
The movement was inspired in part by the philosopher Peter Singer, who has argued for an obligation to help those in extreme poverty since the 1970s.
Do you feel that your current vocation and life situation in general is where you have just been randomly placed, or that there was purposeful intention in getting to this place...
Physical inactivity is the fourth leading cause of death worldwide. It’s also associated with chronic illness and disability.
Flow is not only doing something with gusto; it is so much more! Flow also has a significant ripple effect...
February 1, 2023 - It's much better to appreciate what today or this moment offers, rather than trying to engineer a certain future outcome.
January 31, 2023 -- Every moment in your earthly journey is an expression of your consciousness.
"When was the last time you experienced compassion? Similar to shame, compassion is also a social experience."
Great care must be taken when using essential oils around the very young. These same guidelines should also be followed with the elderly and with those who are frail or whose immune systems are severe...
January 30, 2023 - One minute at a time. That’s all you have to do.
Sufficient sleep provides the recovery time essential to the healthy functioning of our body and brain.
January 29, 2023 - We need to stretch the boundaries of what well-being and success mean for us... and stretch our goals to include our neighbors worldwide.
Here are five ways young athletes experience unhealthy pressure, and what those influences do to their minds and bodies.
We know that depressed patients commonly report “emotional blunting” after longer use of antidepressants, in which they experience a dulling of both positive and negative emotions.
The internet plays a central role in our lives. I — and many others my age — grew up alongside the development of social media and content platforms.
There are many reasons why so many people of different ages, cultures, and races eat clay. Do these earth-eaters know something most people don’t? Yes, they do. Now you will know, too.
January 28, 2023 - This new paradigm is about em­bracing responsibility for your life and developing a deeper, richer awareness of yourself and the world around you.
“Either we find alignment with our business and enjoy the journey or we can let it become an obsessive force that robs us of our joy.”
Guilt is a double-edged sword. It can be a reminder to improve and a motivation to apologise. It can also lead to pathological perfectionism and stress and is also closely associated with depression a...
Repeated storytelling is a key method for elders to communicate what they believe to be important to their children and loved ones.
In a world of unbridled consumerism, we are experiencing a waste crisis. We dispose of tremendous amounts of furniture while consuming masses of new furniture...
January 27, 2023 - Giving of ourselves is a stress reliever that yields immediate emotional benefits, bringing meaning to our lives.
It is most important to remain aware, present, and conscious in our oh-so-creative thoughts! But there are some tricks of the manifestation trade that are helpful to know...
January 26, 2023 - The time has come to befriend your emotions. They are the gateway to your self.
January 25, 2023 - We look at the world and ask ourselves: what it's all come to?
January 24, 2023 - Home is in the heart of love.
People’s first instinct when engaging with conspiracy believers is often to try and debunk their ideas with factual and authoritative information.
“Can we heal the wounds of the heart, can everything be forgiven?” The question must actually be refor­mulated.
January 23, 2023 - The Dalai Lama once said, “My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.”
Silence in mental illness comes in many forms.
There are many things we can do to support our immune system and even improve its function.
We are the ones who make the choices and convey the lessons—by word and deed, wittingly and unwittingly—that shape a young person’s ethics and values, point of view, and priorities.
On Jan. 22, 2023, more than a billion people globally will welcome the Year of the Rabbit – or the Year of Cat, depending on which cultural traditions they follow.
January 22, 2023 - We’ve all heard the expression, “It’s about the journey, not the destination”...
Life is not just something that happens to us. It is something we co-create.
January 21, 2023 - Simplicity is being directly connected to nature. Recent research is finally proving what we’ve intuitively know all along.
Anxiety disorders have long been associated with the early-onset and progression of cardiovascular health issues.
January 20, 2023 - For many people, their default is to focus on problems.
When you have good resonance with your partner, friend or spiritual guide, the process of your actions is boosted greatly.
January 19, 2023 - Gratitude seems like something you have, not something you practice.
January 18, 2023 - This affirmation is so powerful because it's very general and covers EVERYTHING...
January 17, 2023 - Recognizing that everything we do is a choice makes us stronger. It helps illuminate the path ahead...
Hades, in this case, is the consciousness of total separation of the lower self to the higher self—to the point of the lower self being unable to even recognize the higher self.
January 16, 2023 - Every one of us has our own journey and learning curve.
January 15, 2023 - Miracles basically consist of finding a sense of harmony and inner peace in your life.
As a creative soul, and a person pursuing your dreams, you can’t afford to be a pessimist.
January 14, 2023 - Joseph Campbell advised us all to “follow your bliss.” This is absolutely practical advice.
I am inspired to share helpful techniques from my own tradition to add to this emerging global mindfulness conversation.
January 13, 2023 - I try to listen carefully to that sometimes irrational intuition. I really want to be of service here on earth, and I can’t do the highest job by just listening to my mind.
I like to think of getting balanced as tending to a large set of spinning plates on the ends of poles, like in a circus act. Spinning a bunch of plates at once is an active, dynamic process.
January 12, 2023 - Goals and dreams are something to celebrate. Even though they are not yet manifested, they are in the realm of our potential.
Listen. Perceive. Have fun , be playful. Let your body show you the way!
January 11, 2023 - As we heal, our hearts break free from the imprisonment of past pain and trauma and we begin to feel again.
January 10, 2023 - In pursuit of a good life, we can sometimes forget to enjoy what is right in front of us.
January 9, 2023 - Everything in life has its timing, its flow, its rhythm. Nature's is more obvious of course due to its predictability...
We are seeing many things around us that we know cannot last—the old way of doing or thinking of things—and we must completely “burn these out of our system” to make room for something much better.
January 8, 2023 - Letting go of our acquired judgments, criticisms, and out­dated thoughts can be tough.
Sometimes, we are so eager to improve our life and feel better that we rush ahead and try to change everything all at once.
January 7, 2023 - You just never know when that little inner prompting will come… and how important it is to listen to it when it comes.
We live in the most auspicious times that afford a rare opportunity to take a giant leap in our evolutionary development both as individuals and as a collective.
January 6, 2023 - It takes courage to express ourselves openly, truthfully, yet lovingly.
The majority of people traumatized in childhood do not recognize the fact, and few people in 2020 would have readily named the pandemic as a trauma.
January 5, 2023 - When we speak from the heart, we do not judge, criticize, or hurt others.
It’s sometimes easy to wonder if you have “what It takes;” if you have enough talent or skills to make your dreams happen.
January 4, 2023 - The most important thing I have ever learnt in life — the most, most important thing — is that compassion starts with yourself.
January 3, 2023 - When asked what stops them from making healthy lifestyle changes, Americans commonly cite a lack of willpower. Over time time, willpower fades and habits prevail. If the answer isn’t...
January 2, 2023 -- Meditating... brings me back to what matters, which is my center, which is love, which is what unites all of us.
I have discovered that self-sabotage can be a fundamental, although dysfunctional, aspect of protection. It can be a strategy to avoid change.
January 1, 2023 -- As we become aware of our connection with everything and everyone, we also become aware of the effect we have on others...
When we begin to investigate our life experiences as “material” to reflect back to us the ways in which we can self-direct our healing process, we begin the journey...
December 31, 2022 -- Compassion is feeling, deep in your heart, the suffering of others and wishing for them to be free from all pain. The root of compassion is loving-kindness...
Nowadays most everyone is familiar with the unique health benefits of fruits, vegetables, protein, herbs, and spices, and their specific effects on the human organism.
December 30, 2022 -- Our feelings are a gift to us to help us more understand ourselves and the world around us.
December 29. 2022 - Acting, and speaking with love and trust in the Ultimate Good will bring us peace within and with our neighbors.
December 28, 2022 -- Listen to your heart and gently answer this question: “What do I know? What do I know with certainty within my heart—a certainty that no doubts can reach or harm?”
December 27, 2022 -- Animals live in the moment. However, once they take on human neuroses, whatever they may be, they have no idea what to do with them.
December 26, 2022 -- Choosing to put into practice the virtues of life, from A to Z.
Dec. 24, 2022 -- In a variety of teachings, unconditional love is the heart and soul of the spiritual life and the ultimate aim of the spiritual path...
Dec. 23, 2022 -- Our inner witness is the one who can look back on our life with compassion and no judgment.
Dec. 22, 2022 -- If you give up your expectations that things (or people) should be different than they are...
It seems cortisol is both the chicken and the egg, with high cortisol increasing the risk of attracting COVID, and low cortisol involved in long COVID symptoms.
Dec. 21, 2022 -- Learning intuitive and heart-centered earth practices can heal and revive our spirit on many levels.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
If spiders present so little of an actual threat to our survival, why do we fear them so much?
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
A large proportion of us – up to 22% – have mathematical learning difficulties.
Developing symbolic communication systems with animals can be exciting and informative and help us to advance our spiritual growth and awareness.
The 196 countries meeting for the UN Convention on Biological Diversity conference (COP15) in Montreal, Canada, have set themselves a formidable challenge: ensuring humanity is “living in harmony with...
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Decades of research in psychology have shown that we have significant limitations in how we perceive the world around us.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
The most conclusive evidence for the healthful effects of clay points to protection and detoxification as its primary benefit.
Indigenous perspectives view the relationship between humans and animals much differently than modern western societies.
While menopause is a significant time of change, it isn’t talked about much, other than as a punchline.
The holiday season is here, and some may plan to go shopping along local Main Streets, popular city districts, malls or to enjoy time with friends and family in restaurants.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
With all those smartphone notifications, it’s no wonder you lose focus on what you’re trying to do do.
Kane Tanaka of Japan, died in April 2022 at the age of 119. Jeanne Calment died in 1997 at the age of 122. What are the chances of this record being beaten?
All sibling relationships have their ups and downs, good times and bad. But in a family with abuse, addiction, and mental illness, the relationships are warped by a range of dysfunctional dynamics.
The love and cheer of the holidays can also be accompanied by a host of stressors.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Dec. 25, 2022 -- “It is not the love we do not receive that hurts us. It is the love we do not give.”
Without a doubt, it takes courage to face our fears, to be willing to look beneath the surface and examine what we normally avoid.
The cat never touched me, but an indelible impression of her remains. It is my first memory of meeting a shadow animal, face to green-eyed face.
Aside from connecting for neighborliness, what other functions do vibrant neighborhoods undertake? As an answer, consider these seven irreplaceable community functions...
"Shortly after my brother got married he called me to apologize. He said he hadn't realized how selfish he was until he got married." -- Brother James
Nothing is more important for the future of humanity than a global return to joy. At a moment of profound sadness regarding the state of the world...
In an attempt to keep up in an increasingly fast world, we are always on the go, non-stop doing, grabbing coffees and rushing lunches . . . We are in constant motion, fingers active if not our whole b...
Try this experiment. Look around you, letting your vision scan in a 180-degree arc. What did you notice? Now, make a circle with your thumb and index finger and look through it...
You cannot master or control these great mysteries in life. Yet when you can open yourself up to the vibrational fields of earthly and cosmic rhythms, you...
I grew up as a hypochondriac and overnight, at the age of 33, I made a complete turnaround and adopted such an extraordinarily effective spiritual medicine that during over 30 years I only had to...
Going back only ten generations, each of us has 1,024 direct ancestors. Each of those 1,024 people left a lineage and a personal legacy. If any of them had lived in a different place...
For the ancient Celts, there were only two seasons of the year: win­ter and summer. Winter began at Samhain (October 31–November 1) , and summer began at Beltaine.
One of our most venerable of wisdom traditions, the Chinese I Ching, tells that: ‘in the beginning was the one, the one became two, the two became three – and from the three, ten thousand things were...
Your psycho-spiritual-emotional health is the key to a successful legal divorce. Collaborative divorce is a divorce process that is fully legal and downright practical. It is practiced in every state...
I was raised in a fundamentalist Christian home. My father was a preacher who was particularly attracted to the words of Solomon that he must not "spare the rod" in disciplining his child.
For years, I thought that my overachieving, perfectionism, and need for control were about proving that I was good enough—being the best, being perfect, was the only way to be “enough.” But a session...
During sleep, the body and conscious mind are at rest, but the spiritual part of you can be quite active. A spiritual regeneration takes place that helps to refresh your consciousness.
Recently I was invited to participate in an online event on compassion. One of the participants shared possibly the most moving story on compassion I have ever heard in my existence.
Every 29.5 days the moon completes her orbit around Earth, showing us the magical phases of her feminine faces.
Life happens, and you are bound to experience feeling angry, anxious, judgmental, accusatory, and all the other faces that fear wears during your day.
Our distaste for work is not inherent. Some people are satisfied and even excited about the work they do—it’s just that many are not.
Meditation gives us greater access to nonlocal realities: uplifting and harmonizing emotions, intuition and creativity, and an abundance of health-giving life force.
As we come to a greater understanding on how the Universe works and our role in it, we begin to see patterns of how everything fits together like a puzzle and how the Universe is helping us.
I didn’t truly understand the phrase “never say never” until I started recognizing I was contradicting my so many of my own “nevers.”
All of you have the opportunity to be ahead of the curve, not so you may be first, but so that you may help others. Your job is to pay it forward...
This story has a little bit of America in it and a little bit of Orkney in it. Orkney is at the very northern tip of Scotland; it is a collection of seventy islands. Everyone who lives in Orkney lives...
We can feel ourselves to the extent that we feel safe. When we feel safe enough, we can open ourselves to connection. Embodiment is the doorway to feeling ourselves.
Fall Equinox is the time when the seas become rough as the winter gales set in. It is also the middle of the harvest, when day and night are of equal length...
I began this journey not expecting to find sci­entific evidence for my experiences, because the mainstream scientific materialist narrative suggests that evidence doesn’t exist for unexplained phenome...
Each human being may be part of something greater. Common phrases suggesting this reality include ’re all in this together” or “everything is connected.”
There was a period in time before the less-than state settled into our psyche. Whether the unworthiness took up residence in preschool or kinder­garten or at another pivotal moment, the truth is that...
Walking in nature, eating delicious food, poetry, playing with our children, dancing and singing, making love, are all graces we can name as sacred encounters with life itself. These experiences open...
Freud called dreams “the royal road” to the unconscious. When we get out of balance, off-center, or one-sided, the unconscious sends us dreams to help us reconnect with the part of ourselves we’ve los...
Regardless of the landscape around us, we must find a wholeness from within to have the strength, resilience, insight, and innovation to create new structures that support our evolution.
As humans, we feel joy when we relate to others with love. We receive life-force energy when we spend time in nature’s beauty.
Great ideas can strike when you are fully involved in another task. When an idea strikes, stop what you are doing as soon as you are able and write down whatever arose from your creative mind.
All significant choices move us toward or away from love. And the most important thing we learn in life is recognizing the choices and actions that bring us closer or farther from love. Each day is fu...
For eons we lived in a world where change was so slow that a snails’ pace would by comparison seem like a racing car from the famous Le Mans car race. Stability was the name of the game...
"Your relationship with your body is one of the most important relationships you’ll ever have. And since repairs are expensive and spare parts are hard to come by, it pays to make that relationship go...
So why don’t we go for it ? Why don’t we reach out for what we really want? Why don’t we strive to...
As mysterious as the brain is, mindfulness, I believe, can help us know more about it and the brilliance of which it is capable.
We are so much more than we know. We have access to a rich source of vitality, creativity, fulfillment, and wellbeing right within ourselves.
The statement―“There are no coincidences”―reveals a paradox at the core of the subject of coincidences.
Just because you label something, such as the “law of gravity,” that doesn’t explain how it works or why it exists. “There are inexplicable things in the Universe. A bad scientist throws out or ignore...
" Over time, you will form an intensely personal relationship with this beautiful inner force. It will replace the relationship you currently have with inner pain and disturbance...."
We live in relationship. Even if we’re hermits on the top of a mountain we cannot help but relate to the blade of grass, the brook, the sun, and the stars.
Grandiose superheroes create a canvas on which we can portray both the most sublime and the most mundane aspects of humanity. I cannot think of a more fitting superhero to tell us who we are than Tony...
Medieval alchemists were dedicated to birthing a golden consciousness. This awakened consciousness was key to living in harmony with one another and Earth.
Intuition permeates our lives. It is being used every day by medical doctors, nurses and mental health therapists in hospitals, clinics and in private practice.
Once you have chosen to value every minute, you can begin to create systems by which those precious minutes can be used.
By mid-life, most of us have faced a significant loss such as the passing of a loved one, losing a job, or the dissolution of a formative relationship. These painful experiences can leave us feeling l...
Children raised in homes with abuse, addiction, mental illness, and other traumas typically live in a state of denial. They must continually tell themselves that the terrible things they’re seeing, he...
Several barriers can easily hijack attainment of a goal, including failing to set intentions around the goal...
The concept of work-life balance has morphed and evolved over the approximately forty years it has been with us. Each genera­tional wave has ushered in a new take on how work best fits into life...
Many cultures have a ritualistic cleansing practice, often done with smoke or water, to help remove negative or stagnant energy. There are also numerous practices that point to the idea of grounding.....
Sometimes, when we are laser-focused on our goals and making our mark on the world, the relentless activity can become all-encompassing. In pursuit of a good life, we can sometimes forget to enjoy wha...
When we are taught that we should have something or achieve a certain thing and we aren't yet there, this will automatically engender fear and anxiety in us until we believe we reach these goals.
It is a great platitude to say that the world is getting more and more complicated and complex. Many of our seniors are hopelessly lost with a system that is changing and evolving almost daily.
Among the most insidious examples of the exploitation of fear come in the form of phishing, vishing and smishing. Here are three examples...
One of the real dangers of the current pandemic is for us to feel ­helpless—overwhelmed with despair, impending doom, and ­pessimism—a state that cuts us off from our agency and creative power. With a...
How can a system firmly entrenched in duality and separation be positively transformed? To put it simply, the answer is through Love. This is not merely an ideal without any basis in reality; it has b...
Repairing broken ceramics with golden glue is known as Kintsugi. By highlighting the fractures, we can see the beauty in brokenness. Kintsugi is a perfect map to guide you through loss of a loved one...
We don’t usually come to the present moment free of thoughts and concerns. And we don’t travel light... I’m talking about mental baggage.
Our greatest complaint today is that we have no time for anything. No time for our children, our spouses or lovers, no time for our friends and community. No time even for ourselves!
Some of the best nutritional strategies and dietary patterns for safeguarding your cardiovascular system are simple changes that can make a world of difference.
There are many Highly Sensitive People (HSP) nowadays, walking around on our planet. Sensitivity is a complex situation that needs a complex approach.
To create change in your life and to make a better mark on the world, you will need to cultivate a new mindset.
In a world that often seems intent on destroying itself, I find myself curating beauty -- the kind of beauty that grabs us and shakes us out of the narcotic, dystopian alienation through which moderni...
In a world that often seems intent on destroying itself, I find myself curating beauty -- the kind of beauty that grabs us and shakes us out of the narcotic, dystopian alienation through which moderni...
Respect is profoundly meaningful, but costs nothing to give . Here are ways you can demonstrate (and model) respect for your diverse cow­orkers, regardless of who they are or what their positions are...
The bullying paradigm has parents, teachers and coaches believing they must be tough to the point of emotional abuse in order for children to acquire grit and resilience.
We all have this connection to nature and to the whole world: to earth, to water, to air, and to all living creatures.
The Coronavirus pandemic represented a current in our psychic and physical spheres of reality that challenged our internal definitions of both the light and the darkness. It compelled us into stillnes...
Respect is profoundly meaningful, but costs nothing to give . Here are ways you can demonstrate (and model) respect for your diverse cow­orkers, regardless of who they are or what their positions are...
The people of ancient Mesoamerica largely understood the fauna around them to be related to and manifestations of the sacred and the cosmos.
Living through a global pandemic can feel surreal, as if we are living in a dreamworld. Though it can feel like we are living through a collective nightmare, there are precious gifts encoded within th...
Living through a global pandemic can feel surreal, as if we are living in a dreamworld. Though it can feel like we are living through a collective nightmare, there are precious gifts encoded within th...
I have studied the direction of the world’s crises for years, and my work suggests that a feasible path through this turmoil is possible. What we’ve learned is that the Knowledge Age is...
Think about all the activities and pursuits in which you’re involved and ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?” Answers generally revolve around the thing or the accomplishment.
If you go into a forest and look at the trees, they are all different, and they are all beautiful, and they all have their own place on the land. When two trees grow too close to each other, they ofte...
Have you ever wondered why we have Easter eggs and bunnies? Rabbits don’t lay eggs, and yet we associate both bunnies and colorful eggs with...
It can seem like a cruel joke when we find ourselves spending years, or in some cases even a lifetime, recovering from a single painful moment...
I have studied the direction of the world’s crises for years, and my work suggests that a feasible path through this turmoil is possible. What we’ve learned is that the Knowledge Age is...
Have you ever wondered why we have Easter eggs and bunnies? Rabbits don’t lay eggs, and yet we associate both bunnies and colorful eggs with...
We are naturally more intuitive, receptive, and creative during the full moon.
Think about all the activities and pursuits in which you’re involved and ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?” Answers generally revolve around the thing or the accomplishment.
Life is full of aversions—things we don’t like and would prefer to avoid. There are foods and beverages that just taste bad. There are buildings—ugly, decrepit, or garish—that you’d prefer not to see...
The information presented below demonstrates the synchronicities between powerful astrological events and they offer an indication of what is likely to unfold in terms of the political systems and wha...
It is important to remind ourselves that blessing often flies in the face of material evidence, because when we bless we affirm an omnipresent spiritual reality that can only be contacted through spir...
When you have to negotiate a high stakes deal, do you find yourself becoming so anxious you can’t think clearly?
This is an incredible time to be alive in the history of the world, both for me and for you. Yes, you specifically . Reading this statement may have caused you to raise an eyebrow with doubt. And you...
Many skilled Western meditators have noted an uncomfortable gap between their “spiritual” aspect and their everyday personality. For some, it is tempting to use meditation to withdraw from unpleasant...
Many skilled Western meditators have noted an uncomfortable gap between their “spiritual” aspect and their everyday personality. For some, it is tempting to use meditation to withdraw from unpleasant...
The United States was founded at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, and has met with extraordinary business success from the days of its founding. Upon that success was built the broad prosperity...
In times of great social and political upheaval such as we see in the world today, whatever has been suppressed by the prevailing agreed upon attitudes builds up in—and disturbs—the collective unconsc...
The Knowledge Age of the past two decades was supposed to bring greater understanding and even enlightenment. So why are people so emotional, misinformed, and unreasonable?
Personally, I find it difficult to believe that the infinitely loving intelligence running this incredible show called « the universe » would suddenly make mistakes, though I know that my mind has oft...
For 99.9% of human history, the way we lived was all about connection. What our hunter-gatherer ancestors prioritized above all things was our connection to ourselves, one another, and the Living Worl...
For 99.9% of human history, the way we lived was all about connection. What our hunter-gatherer ancestors prioritized above all things was our connection to ourselves, one another, and the Living Worl...
The Knowledge Age of the past two decades was supposed to bring greater understanding and even enlightenment. So why are people so emotional, misinformed, and unreasonable?
Personally, I find it difficult to believe that the infinitely loving intelligence running this incredible show called « the universe » would suddenly make mistakes, though I know that my mind has oft...
Worry is an aspect of the human condition that is sometimes difficult to avoid. From an energetic perspective, worry blocks almost everything, except more of that which you do not want.
We’re carrying and reacting to a pre-programed template that is not even ours. Life itself throws us enough curveballs daily keeping us busy until we die. The last thing we need is the complication of...
The Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” refers to treating others the way you want to be treated. This applies to our food, those living beings—vegetable, animal, and min...
It feels good to heal from damaging messages that you are “less than.” As this happens, you strengthen the voice that says, “You are so much better than this mess you were handed.” You become better a...
The habit of framing problems as an imaginary battle between good and evil distorts our awareness of the importance of balancing conflicting priorities, and of considering both sides of the paradoxes...
Pandemic slog is the feeling that no matter how much progress we seem to make, we feel stuck, anxious and a general malaise. We are less motivated and inspired to transcend inevitable obstacles and di...
If we aren’t being denied opportunities based on our gender and our identities, or not having to work twice as hard to adhere to a double standard simply because of who we are, then it doesn’t get our...
Whether you had a mostly emotionally functioning home or a blatantly dysfunctional one, you likely experienced strong, keen, painful emotions and at some point had to learn how to shut them down to pr...
Understanding and accepting yourself at an authentic level is key to reaching your potential. Misconceptions about creativity can slow or derail progress in multiple areas of life.
Some people who have survived severe and ongoing trauma report that in their darkest hours they found the deepest resource—an unshakable feeling of great meaning, or a sense of...
Journaling is a particularly powerful way to connect to Soul. In fact, if we were to advocate for any one spiritual practice, it would be regular Soul journaling.
Pandemic slog is the feeling that no matter how much progress we seem to make, we feel stuck, anxious and a general malaise. We are less motivated and inspired to transcend inevitable obstacles and di...
Two polar opposite points of view—though seemingly contradictory and mutually exclusive—can both be seen to be potentially valid depending on the reference point through which they’re viewed.
Two polar opposite points of view—though seemingly contradictory and mutually exclusive—can both be seen to be potentially valid depending on the reference point through which they’re viewed.
You’ve probably heard people at work say something that was racist, sexist, demeaning, or offensive, even if it wasn’t directed at you. You may not have said anything or done anything about it, becaus...
The habit of framing problems as an imaginary battle between good and evil distorts our awareness of the importance of balancing conflicting priorities, and of considering both sides of the paradoxes...
Some people who have survived severe and ongoing trauma report that in their darkest hours they found the deepest resource—an unshakable feeling of great meaning, or a sense of...
It feels good to heal from damaging messages that you are “less than.” As this happens, you strengthen the voice that says, “You are so much better than this mess you were handed.” You become better a...
You’ve probably heard people at work say something that was racist, sexist, demeaning, or offensive, even if it wasn’t directed at you. You may not have said anything or done anything about it, becaus...
There were times when my mother's needs felt like a bottomless pit and an endless parade of critical events. In spite of how much I loved my mother, I often felt overwhelmed and trapped.
There were times when my mother's needs felt like a bottomless pit and an endless parade of critical events. In spite of how much I loved my mother, I often felt overwhelmed and trapped.
It seems fairly obvious, but in order to move to a new story and not live in fear, we have to want to release our conditioning and the old story . Unfortunately, there is resistance to this because...
It seems fairly obvious, but in order to move to a new story and not live in fear, we have to want to release our conditioning and the old story . Unfortunately, there is resistance to this because...
We talk about resonance with other organisms, but for me it is important to have resonance with my own internal states of being.
We talk about resonance with other organisms, but for me it is important to have resonance with my own internal states of being.
As we move from the 3rd Dimension, it can feel heavy and difficult, especially during this time in history. We are undergoing a mass movement into the 5th Dimension, and that is where...
As we move from the 3rd Dimension, it can feel heavy and difficult, especially during this time in history. We are undergoing a mass movement into the 5th Dimension, and that is where...
When your story isn’t working for you, when it seems to be influencing what you’re experiencing and causing you unhappiness, you can change it. And playing with metaphors can help you to do that.
When your story isn’t working for you, when it seems to be influencing what you’re experiencing and causing you unhappiness, you can change it. And playing with metaphors can help you to do that.
The subconscious can be creative when you are sleeping. You can program your subconscious before you go to sleep, asking it to provide creative solutions through dreams.
The subconscious can be creative when you are sleeping. You can program your subconscious before you go to sleep, asking it to provide creative solutions through dreams.
All it takes is turning on the news, reading the newspaper, or talking to people these days to be reminded that men’s behavior is getting a lot of attention. The #times up, #metoo and Black Lives Matt...
All it takes is turning on the news, reading the newspaper, or talking to people these days to be reminded that men’s behavior is getting a lot of attention. The #times up, #metoo and Black Lives Matt...
Sometimes we choose crystals, but at other times it would appear that they choose us ! The Universe sets things in motion that will ensure the “meeting”: of course, we still have the free will to acce...
“Spiritual activism is a practice that brings together the otherworldly and inward-focused work of spirituality and the outwardly-focused work of activism (which focuses on the conditions of the mater...
“Spiritual activism is a practice that brings together the otherworldly and inward-focused work of spirituality and the outwardly-focused work of activism (which focuses on the conditions of the mater...
My prayer is that we all create a space for the darkness to birth a new way of seeing, sensing, feeling and relating. When held in the threshold of the Divine, any darkness can serve a higher purpose,...
My prayer is that we all create a space for the darkness to birth a new way of seeing, sensing, feeling and relating. When held in the threshold of the Divine, any darkness can serve a higher purpose,...
As I did the inner work of healing my core wounds, the messages from the universe were easier to hear, for my path began to clear so that I could fulfill my soul’s destiny. These resources are availab...
As I did the inner work of healing my core wounds, the messages from the universe were easier to hear, for my path began to clear so that I could fulfill my soul’s destiny. These resources are availab...
Why is it that some people are able to achieve huge successes while others drift from day to day?
Why is it that some people are able to achieve huge successes while others drift from day to day?
Contacting angels is not a matter of raising your face toward heaven and asking--even earnestly pleading --for assistance. All your problems will not be magically solved with the stroke of an angelic...
Contacting angels is not a matter of raising your face toward heaven and asking--even earnestly pleading --for assistance. All your problems will not be magically solved with the stroke of an angelic...
As with nearly all trauma, there is a measure of healing to be gained in the sharing of my story — healing for myself, my daughters, and hopefully others who live in the shadow of domestic violence. H...
As with nearly all trauma, there is a measure of healing to be gained in the sharing of my story — healing for myself, my daughters, and hopefully others who live in the shadow of domestic violence. H...
Sometimes, one short pause holds potential for a big transformation. By not instantly reacting to a situation and instead, taking your time to be fully present with your feelings, you free yourself to...
Sometimes, one short pause holds potential for a big transformation. By not instantly reacting to a situation and instead, taking your time to be fully present with your feelings, you free yourself to...
Historically, healing has been one of humankind’s higher functions, leaving its mark recorded throughout more than 10,000 years of human civilization. All of the major religions include healing as one...
After I left the paved highway behind, the next forty miles of deeply rutted tract led me into vast stretches of high desert wilderness. Red rock slabs, towers, pinnacles, and cliffs soared into the c...
After I left the paved highway behind, the next forty miles of deeply rutted tract led me into vast stretches of high desert wilderness. Red rock slabs, towers, pinnacles, and cliffs soared into the c...
If there is one plant to start your journey with the plant spirits, it should be Mugwort, the stunningly beautiful and beneficent Artemisia vulgaris. Mugwort is one of the most visceral plant spirits...
Whatever it is we seek pleasure from, relying on external things to give us the high or a feeling of euphoria, we run the risk of deluding ourselves that we’re in control when we’re not.
Whatever it is we seek pleasure from, relying on external things to give us the high or a feeling of euphoria, we run the risk of deluding ourselves that we’re in control when we’re not.
I have good news: There’s a way to recalibrate your focus and take control of your busy life. It all comes down to paying attention to the three things you do have control over.
If your family member has just been admitted to the ICU, you may be overwhelmed by the number of people coming and going. Just who are all these people — and who’s in charge?
I have good news: There’s a way to recalibrate your focus and take control of your busy life. It all comes down to paying attention to the three things you do have control over.
Women's capacity for orgasm seems almost limitless. Why is it then that many women are frustrated rather than satisfied? Why is it that for so many loving couples, the female orgasm remains an elusive...
To be a Taoist is to experience life as a harmonious flow of life energy. In the traditional Taoist terms, this flow in humans is from breath to sex essence to spirit. It flows both visibly and invisi...
One of the greatest secrets of life is to know how to constantly marvel at existence and at the world. And one of the greatest avatars of history told us 2000 years ago that if we did not become like...
One of the greatest secrets of life is to know how to constantly marvel at existence and at the world. And one of the greatest avatars of history told us 2000 years ago that if we did not become like...
At times, we have to let go of what is to make room for what will be. Of course, the very idea of change — small or major — usually produces at least some discomfort and...
Falling into a rut doesn’t mean we have to stay there. Even when it can seem like an insurmountable challenge to climb back out, finding a way is possible. My life is a testament that it can be done.
Falling into a rut doesn’t mean we have to stay there. Even when it can seem like an insurmountable challenge to climb back out, finding a way is possible. My life is a testament that it can be done.
Will we experience a new era of peace and harmony or continue to break down and destroy? Both potential outcomes are a possibility. We have a responsibility as human beings to contribute to the former...
Will we experience a new era of peace and harmony or continue to break down and destroy? Both potential outcomes are a possibility. We have a responsibility as human beings to contribute to the former...
Everyone is capable of perceiving spirits and intuitive messages. The key is learning to recognize the presence of spirits and the signs they present, accepting the reality of the contact...
Everyone is capable of perceiving spirits and intuitive messages. The key is learning to recognize the presence of spirits and the signs they present, accepting the reality of the contact...
"Fight or flight! That's the only way we cope with stress," said my professor years ago. This is our automatic alarm state that pushes our body to the max so we can do something very aggressive to win...
"Fight or flight! That's the only way we cope with stress," said my professor years ago. This is our automatic alarm state that pushes our body to the max so we can do something very aggressive to win...
The philosophies born eons ago are as true today as they were then. Our interpretations are shifting, as well as our understanding of the world, synchronistically on many levels.
The philosophies born eons ago are as true today as they were then. Our interpretations are shifting, as well as our understanding of the world, synchronistically on many levels.
When I look at the trees in my garden, I see how they fully express life in their changing seasons. The wind blows and they surrender.
When I look at the trees in my garden, I see how they fully express life in their changing seasons. The wind blows and they surrender.
In the midst of intense suffering, an amazing transformation can occur. It sometimes happens to people who have been through periods of severe addiction, depression, bereavement, and so on. I call thi...
In the midst of intense suffering, an amazing transformation can occur. It sometimes happens to people who have been through periods of severe addiction, depression, bereavement, and so on. I call thi...
Tension release is a significant part of self-healing in children and adults, and it is unavoidable when we become more present with ourselves in flow experiences.
Tension release is a significant part of self-healing in children and adults, and it is unavoidable when we become more present with ourselves in flow experiences.
Definition of beauty, Merriam-Webster dictionary: "that which gives the highest degree of pleasure to the senses or the mind. . . ."
Definition of beauty, Merriam-Webster dictionary: "that which gives the highest degree of pleasure to the senses or the mind. . . ."
In an excerpt from her new book, Ladies, Leadership, and the Lies We've Been Told, women's rights advocate and entrepreneur Areva Martin explores the power dynamics of male mentors in the post-#MeToo...
In an excerpt from her new book, Ladies, Leadership, and the Lies We've Been Told, women's rights advocate and entrepreneur Areva Martin explores the power dynamics of male mentors in the post-#MeToo...
When I was a child, what the family doctor said was gospel, and no one would even have thought of disputing it.
When I was a child, what the family doctor said was gospel, and no one would even have thought of disputing it.
There is an abundance of pleasure possible for us all, a great deal more than we currently live. It is freely available to everyone without discrimination or expense. It is constantly accessible in ea...
There is an abundance of pleasure possible for us all, a great deal more than we currently live. It is freely available to everyone without discrimination or expense. It is constantly accessible in ea...
In the physical world, things have a past and a future, a beginning, and an end. For example, I’m sitting on a chair in my office at my desk that I’ve had for more than fifty years. At some point, thi...
In the physical world, things have a past and a future, a beginning, and an end. For example, I’m sitting on a chair in my office at my desk that I’ve had for more than fifty years. At some point, thi...
Each day, as sunlight dims and dusk falls, I stop. I watch the light turn to darkness, then close my eyes to make the transition from doing to being, from fast to slow, from outward to inward...
Each day, as sunlight dims and dusk falls, I stop. I watch the light turn to darkness, then close my eyes to make the transition from doing to being, from fast to slow, from outward to inward...
Sometimes a pandemic—no matter how devastating—is just a pandemic. But sometimes— most times—it is an opening to a whole new way of being.
Sometimes a pandemic—no matter how devastating—is just a pandemic. But sometimes— most times—it is an opening to a whole new way of being.
Looking at life in this modern world today, there’s no question that a lot of people are dealing with many challenges, both physically and emotionally.
Looking at life in this modern world today, there’s no question that a lot of people are dealing with many challenges, both physically and emotionally.
Ancient Vedic texts describe the universe and everything in it, including us, as being made of bliss. Bliss is our underlying nature, discoverable through a focus on this moment of experience.
Ancient Vedic texts describe the universe and everything in it, including us, as being made of bliss. Bliss is our underlying nature, discoverable through a focus on this moment of experience.
Cultivating neutrality is how I describe the process of acquiring equanimity. What I mean by this is a state where you are neither happy nor sad, neither elevated nor depressed, but simply neutral.
Cultivating neutrality is how I describe the process of acquiring equanimity. What I mean by this is a state where you are neither happy nor sad, neither elevated nor depressed, but simply neutral.
Every night after dinner, people gathered round a small fireplace and Father Oshida gave an evening talk. Mostly it was in Japanese, but he translated the important parts into English for me. I had be...
Every night after dinner, people gathered round a small fireplace and Father Oshida gave an evening talk. Mostly it was in Japanese, but he translated the important parts into English for me. I had be...
Black women reaching the highest levels of success, like our former first lady, are not immune to the microaggressions prevalent in our workplaces, from "compliments" about how articulate we are to "a...
Black women reaching the highest levels of success, like our former first lady, are not immune to the microaggressions prevalent in our workplaces, from "compliments" about how articulate we are to "a...
Fear feels crappy. There is no way around that. But most of us don't respond to our fear in a logical way. Anytime we bump up against long-held beliefs that no longer serve us and need to be released,...
Fear feels crappy. There is no way around that. But most of us don't respond to our fear in a logical way. Anytime we bump up against long-held beliefs that no longer serve us and need to be released,...
There is such a need in the world today of the most tender and immense compassion and deeper, more unselfed caring and giving, and blessing is one simple and efficient way of doing it. It is also an a...
There is such a need in the world today of the most tender and immense compassion and deeper, more unselfed caring and giving, and blessing is one simple and efficient way of doing it. It is also an a...
You are a remarkable being of energy, individual and unique in your own right. You have both the power and ability to create your happiness no matter what challenges you face in life.
You are a remarkable being of energy, individual and unique in your own right. You have both the power and ability to create your happiness no matter what challenges you face in life.
Our body is like an orchestra in which the organs play the symphony of life with the greatest virtuosity. If we listen closely, we will experience that what is important is happening in between the mu...
Our body is like an orchestra in which the organs play the symphony of life with the greatest virtuosity. If we listen closely, we will experience that what is important is happening in between the mu...
Being addicted to cer­tainty creates fear and limits what is possible in our lives. If I didn't know what would happen next in my life, I projected things would be bad and not work out.
Being addicted to cer­tainty creates fear and limits what is possible in our lives. If I didn't know what would happen next in my life, I projected things would be bad and not work out.
Astrology is a powerful art, capable of enhancing our lives by enabling us to understand our own process of unfolding and how we can cooperate with the energies within and around us. But it is also a...
How do you experience elemental beings? Can you consciously make it happen? And how do you distinguish between truth and fantasy?
How do you experience elemental beings? Can you consciously make it happen? And how do you distinguish between truth and fantasy?
Many of us know that a few moments of connecting with our inner resources can have dramatic and healthy effects in restoring a sense of balance to a hectic day. But who has the luxury of spending 45 m...
There are two assumptions related to competitiveness: to be inspired and to remain highly motivated. For those who are slacking off and just enjoying life and what they have instead of trying harder t...
Where is your Sun? Where is your Moon? What sign do you have rising? This information is the foundation trilogy, the three factors which give us the most information about another person... who you ar...
When most people think of the word "sex" they think of copulation, not Life. They think of what happens for a specific period of time with specific physical organs, (possibly including a little forepl...
In the American dream as it's currently dished up, we try to do two things: make money and lose weight. Is that the meaning of life? Making money might give somebody a sense of meaning in life present...
Courage is not about being fearless in the face of a scary situation. It is the willingness to move forward or take action— despite your fear.
Courage is not about being fearless in the face of a scary situation. It is the willingness to move forward or take action— despite your fear.
You need to have the courage to live life. This includes learn­ing to ask for what you need or want. Sometimes you are out to correct an injustice or right a wrong; other times all you’re trying to do...
Early exposure to diverse story characters, including in ethnicity, gender and ability, helps young people develop a strong sense of identity and belonging. It is also crucial in cultivating compassio...
Competition has become so much a part of how we work, live, and love that it is difficult to consider a life not based upon it. We are so immersed in our toxic competition to be successful that those...
Beginning in the late 1950s, five hospitals (in the province of Saskatchewan in Canada) offered a new kind of psychedelic therapy: treating alcoholism with LSD.
Beginning in the late 1950s, five hospitals (in the province of Saskatchewan in Canada) offered a new kind of psychedelic therapy: treating alcoholism with LSD.
The map of the heavens at the moment of birth shows the path we must tread as plainly as a street directory, to arrive at that most coveted of all human destinations -- a truly happy marriage.
Suppressing fear-induced emotions infuses life into them, often causing a manifestation of depression or unpleasant physical symptoms. Here is a plan to liberate the emotions surrounding your fears so...
A bodhisattva brings healing into this world not out of fear of sickness and death, but out of bringing people back to their true nature, their original pureness: the inner light of their own soul, he...
A bodhisattva brings healing into this world not out of fear of sickness and death, but out of bringing people back to their true nature, their original pureness: the inner light of their own soul, he...
Saying no to ED should be a no-brainer — maybe to somebody not suffering from an eating disorder. My recovery journey has demonstrated that it’s a daily struggle, something I must fight one day at a t...
Saying no to ED should be a no-brainer — maybe to somebody not suffering from an eating disorder. My recovery journey has demonstrated that it’s a daily struggle, something I must fight one day at a t...
I still clearly recall an experience that might be described as my first encounter with astrology. I was in our small vegetable garden, and I had stopped for a moment to gaze up into a particularly be...
As an herbalist I have a very different view of weeds than the average gardener who can’t abide common garden weeds such as nettle, dandelion and plantain. These plants and many more of our garden wee...
As an herbalist I have a very different view of weeds than the average gardener who can’t abide common garden weeds such as nettle, dandelion and plantain. These plants and many more of our garden wee...
Christie’s sold a digital collage of images called “Everydays: The First 5000 Days” for US$69.3 million dollars. Elon Musk said he’s selling a tweet of his as an NFT, which contains a song about NFTs.
When my boy died, I had no belief that the dead could talk to us. At best, they seemed gone in another world, separated by loss and the deafening thunder of our grief. But then Jordan started speaking...
When my boy died, I had no belief that the dead could talk to us. At best, they seemed gone in another world, separated by loss and the deafening thunder of our grief. But then Jordan started speaking...
We now have ever-expanding ways to distract and consume attention through the new digital opiate of the masses. Cell phones with their applications have unknowingly addicted people. Our attention span...
We now have ever-expanding ways to distract and consume attention through the new digital opiate of the masses. Cell phones with their applications have unknowingly addicted people. Our attention span...
When you give others the authority to interpret your dreams, you are buying in to their beliefs, expectations, biases, and prejudices, instead of yours. What they may say about your dreams might or mi...
When you give others the authority to interpret your dreams, you are buying in to their beliefs, expectations, biases, and prejudices, instead of yours. What they may say about your dreams might or mi...
As you begin to seek inner faith and come to trust yourself and your abilities, you must first cross the 'bridge of forgiveness'. You have come this far by making the intellectual decision to move for...
The emotional charge of fear is a huge one. It is the emotion I come across more than any other in my work with cancer clients.
The emotional charge of fear is a huge one. It is the emotion I come across more than any other in my work with cancer clients.
We can't be feeling what we are feeling unless we are "thinking" it. First we have to think and then we feel, so whatever we are feeling is a result of our thinking. If we are feeling fear, then we ar...
Energetics are foundational to the manifest world we see, and only one unified field of energy exists with everything vibrating at different levels. There is nothing separate, regardless of appearance...
Energetics are foundational to the manifest world we see, and only one unified field of energy exists with everything vibrating at different levels. There is nothing separate, regardless of appearance...
Beyond the viral contagion of COVID-19, the pandemic’s accompanying social and economic hardships have challenged many people’s physical and mental wellness. Over the past year of navigating living in...
When the fairy godmother appeared, Cinderella had the courage to seize an opportunity to change. She didn't peer at the fairy godmother suspiciously, snarling, "You know what they say, 'If something l...
From the moment when I began writing my first book, about growing up in foster care, and the follow-up book (my gradu­ate thesis) detailing my adult adoption by the beloved coun­selor I met while livi...
In our restlessness, we are always tempted to climb every hill and cross every skyline to find out what lies beyond -- yet as you get older and wiser it is not just flagging energy but wisdom that tea...
Most human beings want the same thing. Food. Shelter. Clothing. Good health. A sense of purpose. Education. Productive work. Prosperity. Friendship. Love. Happiness. For some, children and grandchildr...
Most human beings want the same thing. Food. Shelter. Clothing. Good health. A sense of purpose. Education. Productive work. Prosperity. Friendship. Love. Happiness. For some, children and grandchildr...
How can perfectionism be a stumbling block on the path? Having the compulsive need to be perfect can be very hard on anyone. Being a perfectionist creates problems, not only for the individual who suf...
Crossing your finish line can be a time of joyful celebration. But that can be followed by a myriad of emotions that might include melancholy as well as pride and joy. As you arrive at your finish lin...
Most universities have moved courses online to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19. This includes lectures and tutorials. When done right, online learning can actually be as effective as face-to-...
Are we sheltering the storm by slipping under the sheets with a significant other? Surprisingly, no. The naked truth is that Canadians are having less sex, not more, according to a national survey by...
What would you reveal to the world if you weren’t afraid? Chances are that there’s a piece of you that you aren’t sharing with others. We all have things we hide. Sometimes they’re our deep dark secre...
What would you reveal to the world if you weren’t afraid? Chances are that there’s a piece of you that you aren’t sharing with others. We all have things we hide. Sometimes they’re our deep dark secre...
This temporary anxiety and depression state results from becoming overburdened with too many work, household, volunteer, or social obligations, and subsides promptly after reducing the excessive respo...
As with all aspects of life, it’s impossible to predict with certainty how your career will evolve. But having some clear ideas of what you want to do and where you want to end up will increase the li...
As with all aspects of life, it’s impossible to predict with certainty how your career will evolve. But having some clear ideas of what you want to do and where you want to end up will increase the li...
Read alouds are about creating a shared reading activity where adults help children build their vocabularies through discussion, hands-on activities and imaginative ways to extend new word knowledge.
Once you learn to use money rightly, you will find gains on many levels. Your abundance, energy, joy — all will expand. I had an interesting experience, many years ago. I undertook what was, for me, a...
The Old English word haelp meant "wholeness, being whole, sound, or well." The Proto-German word hailitho also means "whole." Old Norse offers helge , meaning "holy, sacred." This wholeness refers to...
If you continue to build courage throughout your life and take each next step with grit, determination and a knowledge that failures along the way are part of the process, you will eventually come out...
If you continue to build courage throughout your life and take each next step with grit, determination and a knowledge that failures along the way are part of the process, you will eventually come out...
Tiny houses are now so popular that someone was charged with stealing one last week. A social media campaign tracked its journey (in Australia) from Canberra to Hervey Bay. My research to date has fou...
Coronavirus affects people differently – some infected develop life-threatening disease, while others remain asymptomatic. And a year aftere COVID-19 emerged, it’s still unclear why. To try and answer...
For many people, abundance and prosperity are tied to their level of self-esteem. You make a good living, pay your bills and save money, so you feel successful. I define success in a different light....
When they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up, they really meant, "What do you want to do?" Whatever we might have chosen, it was not the same as choosing what or how to be. We all want to l...
The outdoor play movement in Scotland initially started as a grassroots effort but has been adopted by the national government as a way to accommodate more children within child-care programs, address...
Time to make nature studies a compulsory school subject – before it’s too late. “Every child in every country is owed the teaching of natural history, to be introduced to the awe and wonder of the nat...
Nearly all of us feel a little blue or a little down every now and then. It happens. Occasional temporary feelings of sadness are a natural part of life. However if you frequently feel this way, or if...
The key to “enlightenment” is in the word “light”. By opening our hearts to deeper and vaster love, we are taking in more light and are then able to shed more light on who we are by accessing our inna...
The key to “enlightenment” is in the word “light”. By opening our hearts to deeper and vaster love, we are taking in more light and are then able to shed more light on who we are by accessing our inna...
The present is complete; it has no limitations. When I am in the past projecting images of the future, I am dreaming. In reality there is only the present. You say, "I'm helpless, I can't be in the pr...
For many years, I was too caught up in my own world to be fully present for other people—I was on the clock, feeling the pressure of time and agendas. It’s clear to me now that sometimes, I was the on...
Global research on primary schools has shown that boys learn to behave in gendered ways that are reinforced by the adults around them. Teachers are a key part of this socialisation process. To change...
The human being thrives on touch. An enormous amount of research has been done in recent years, on both human beings and animals, in regards to touch. The results show that lack of touch ("cutaneous d...
For many years, I was too caught up in my own world to be fully present for other people—I was on the clock, feeling the pressure of time and agendas. It’s clear to me now that sometimes, I was the on...
Confrontation is not kind, nor is it just. It is for this reason that you must never consciously seek out battle -- at any level. If it finds you, however, you must enter into personal self-defense at...
Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Exhale fully and allow yourself to become fully present—right here and right now. We are going on a journey, a sacred journey to the heart of Machu Picchu.
Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Exhale fully and allow yourself to become fully present—right here and right now. We are going on a journey, a sacred journey to the heart of Machu Picchu.
For most people, walking is an activity that requires no thought or intention -- it is rarely even a conscious action. What's more, since walking is such a natural act, we are able to involve ourselve...
There comes a time in an individual's spiritual evolution when every seeker/person on a spiritual or philosophical quest, must come to the realization that all higher knowledge, higher truth, and all...
Since we are part of nature, like the plants and the animal kingdom, we have the capacity for learning the subtle whispers of nature and communicating with the natural world that surrounds us. We each...
Since we are part of nature, like the plants and the animal kingdom, we have the capacity for learning the subtle whispers of nature and communicating with the natural world that surrounds us. We each...
“Awakening to contact” or “Activation,” as it has been called, was an extremely profound process for Dr. Maree Batchelor. This occurred spontaneously on a spiritual jour­ney visiting a temple in India...
“Awakening to contact” or “Activation,” as it has been called, was an extremely profound process for Dr. Maree Batchelor. This occurred spontaneously on a spiritual jour­ney visiting a temple in India...
We may think that because of the development of the ability to see and hear into the far reaches of space that we must be quite advanced in the field of communication. But all this has little effect o...
Movement is energy. Emotion is energy. And we all know when we are lacking in energy, for without it we cannot function. The power of our healing work comes from this understanding of energy: we can e...
The destruction of nature is the destruction of humanity. Nature is our home. All life on this planet, including, of course, human life, was born from the natural environment. The further we alienate...
I have been trying to engage you in conversation for more than a year, but you have not listened. Perhaps you don’t want to grasp the truths I have to offer. They are gifts really, but I know you will...
If you give energy to something that is negative -- such as worry, anxiety, or fear -- then you build it to such a state that it becomes worse than any action directed toward you. Make yourself like a...
I was born during the late Eastern Han Dynasty (25 CE-220 CE) into a family of ardent Daoists who were very much inspired by the teachings of the great sage Zhang Daoling, who had been instructed by t...
I was born during the late Eastern Han Dynasty (25 CE-220 CE) into a family of ardent Daoists who were very much inspired by the teachings of the great sage Zhang Daoling, who had been instructed by t...
We are, in our essential state, pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is pure potentiality; it is the field of all possibilities and infinite creativity. Other attributes of consciousness are...
Just as we meet limits in the midst of life, we also find possibility, the undiluted freedom to create and live our lives. We do not have to approach today in the same way as we approached yesterday....
When one studies and understands the main concepts and teachings of the great religions, it becomes obvious from their similarities that they come from the same source of inspiration: God Divine Energ...
We all seek permanent happiness. No one has, as his long-term goal, a happiness that is evanescent. More than anything else, what we want of life is escape from pain, and the attainment of joy. The de...
If you're like most people, you work at your maximum efficiency for the first hour or two of your workday, then your efficiency slowly dwindles. By the time 2 P.M. rolls around, you're functioning at...
Seeking out a community of healing, being exploited in it, perhaps assuming the shame and responsibility for what went wrong, and then isolating back into our struggle, can become a cycle. This happen...
Seeking out a community of healing, being exploited in it, perhaps assuming the shame and responsibility for what went wrong, and then isolating back into our struggle, can become a cycle...
Prosperity has had only one connotation for too long -- money. The subject of money has a powerful emotional charge, equivalent to the subject of sex. Yet, we will usually talk about it only like the...
The deepest truth of the universe is that love is eternal; our relationships to each other and the whole go on forever. We are always together (even though on Earth we forget), always united in love,...
The deepest truth of the universe is that love is eternal; our relationships to each other and the whole go on forever. We are always together (even though on Earth we forget), always united in love,...
Socially respected behavior is learned behavior and some of it (for instance, table manners) varies by culture, faith or family. When we help children become aware of the unwritten rules of common cou...
Socially respected behavior is learned behavior and some of it (for instance, table manners) varies by culture, faith or family. When we help children become aware of the unwritten rules of common cou...
Even if we are not consciously aware of it, we live in the realm of elemental beings. Everywhere, and all the time, they penetrate our souls and slip into our hearts. The whole world around us is enso...
Even if we are not consciously aware of it, we live in the realm of elemental beings. Everywhere, and all the time, they penetrate our souls and slip into our hearts. The whole world around us is enso...
When we are in community, we automatically fall into service to those in need because we know them and see their need up close versus judging someone from afar and condemning them. “Community” comes f...
When we are in community, we automatically fall into service to those in need because we know them and see their need up close versus judging someone from afar and condemning them. “Community” comes f...
In treating stress-related disorders in animals that we share our lives with, we must first look honestly at ourselves. How is the stress that we are carrying affecting them? Animals who are closely k...
Ambushes don’t just happen in combat. In business and life, an ambush is a catastrophic event that leaves physical, emotional, and mental scars. It might be a health crisis, divorce, business fail­ure...
Ambushes don’t just happen in combat. In business and life, an ambush is a catastrophic event that leaves physical, emotional, and mental scars. It might be a health crisis, divorce, business fail­ure...
Meditating sounds easy. Sitting. Breathing. Focusing in a relaxed kind of way. So why isn't everyone doing it? Why do so many who start meditating, or open a book on the subject, fail to carry through...
In America, our only "down" time seems to be the daily drive to and from work, which, if it happens to be on Florida's I-95, tends to exacerbate stress and anxiety rather than temper it. By the time m...
This is the moment of truth for humankind. Critical choices must now be made in order to protect the continued existence of human society and the earth itself. This letter is not a political appeal, a...
Cultures on every continent around the world have a collective memory of a time when their ancestors were hunter-gatherers and lived in the forest as a part of nature itself. The Aborigines of Austral...
Cultures on every continent around the world have a collective memory of a time when their ancestors were hunter-gatherers and lived in the forest as a part of nature itself. The Aborigines of Austral...
Fear is the principal force that divides our hearts. It will continue to do so unless we increase the muscle of our attention and faith that lets us remain present for more and more of reality. When w...
Many women assume that when their menopause symptoms stop, they are on safe ground. Sadly, we face some long-term risks to our health. As well as being at greater risk of heart disease, we start to lo...
In addition to the emotional and spiritual aspects of funerals, there are always logistical and practical factors to consider. If you’re holding a backyard burial, you may be fully devoted to realizin...
We often have the misconception that our emotions interfere with our experience of ultimate peace: that they are the storm that distracts us from spacious calm. There are so many false notions about e...
Some children grow out of their food allergies, but researchers don’t exactly know why. Here’s how to work with your allergy specialist if you suspect your child isn’t allergic any more.
I've written about the fear of the future and said, "If we dwell in concern over the tomorrows of life, we lose today . . ." Yet hardly a week goes by that I don't receive a letter expressing concern...
Play is a core part of a healthy childhood, through which children develop social, communication, cognitive and physical skills. Children’s play adapts to its circumstances. Recently children have bee...
It is true that money should never be used as the only yardstick for accomplishment, but it is useless to pretend that is not so. That may change in the future, but for the now, money is the measure t...
Most of us have experienced the eerie feeling that goes with handling the personal possessions of a loved one who has passed away. Some very mundane things can produce surprisingly poignant reactions.
Most of us have experienced the eerie feeling that goes with handling the personal possessions of a loved one who has passed away. Some very mundane things can produce surprisingly poignant reactions.
On an English television show, Uri Geller invited all those people out there in television land to join him, to participate in his metal bending by holding forks or spoons themselves to see if the phe...
On an English television show, Uri Geller invited all those people out there in television land to join him, to participate in his metal bending... to see if the phenomenon might be repeated. Some 1,5...
Failure isn't something I enjoy -- not that anyone really does -- but some of us are very hard on ourselves when it comes to failure, while some shrug their shoulders and go on.
Hope is not just a fleeting moment or a temporary feel­ing that things will get better. It’s a foundation for a lifestyle that reflects everything you do and everything you are. You can use hope to he...
If you are struggling to learn something new and you have people around who are not only unhelpful but downright negative about what you're doing, then you need to really look at each and every one an...
There are events in life that change the course of how we interact with others, view ourselves, carry out daily tasks, and communicate with loved ones. The Pandemic of 2020 has certainly been a game c...
There are events in life that change the course of how we interact with others, view ourselves, carry out daily tasks, and communicate with loved ones. The Pandemic of 2020 has certainly been a game c...
Life, by its very nature is … alive! Because it is alive, it is not just responding in a set, mechanical way, but rather it is responsive to what is needed and helpful and useful. Cells might be consi...
Life, by its very nature is … alive! Because it is alive, it is not just responding in a set, mechanical way, but rather it is responsive to what is needed and helpful and useful. Cells might be consi...
The effects of meditation often occur so gradually we don't notice them. Then comes a day when we have the sudden realization we're not like we used to be. With this dawning of understanding that we'r...
The effects of meditation often occur so gradually we don't notice them. Then comes a day when we have the sudden realization we're not like we used to be. With this dawning of understanding that we'r...
A meditation by Orin & DaBen focusing on letting go of what no longer serves us and embracing the new in order to create the life we really desire.
Age-old wisdom teaches, “You do not know something until you know its name.” When we name the sickness, the poison that oozes throughout our world, we can begin to fight it and defeat it.
Age-old wisdom teaches, “You do not know something until you know its name.” When we name the sickness, the poison that oozes throughout our world, we can begin to fight it and defeat it.
If you looked at my life from the outside, you might be surprised to learn that I spent most of my years getting in my own way. Despite achieving many goals and building a successful career, I was oft...
We are aware that we suffer from optical delusions, but we still suffer, nonetheless. We can see that there has been a breakdown somewhere along the way, but by what practical means are we going to he...
More and more, I have the feeling that an extraordinary cosmic force is pulling the strings of my life. ALL the strings, down to the smallest details. Because either this simply unheard of “show” call...
More and more, I have the feeling that an extraordinary cosmic force is pulling the strings of my life. ALL the strings, down to the smallest details. Because either this simply unheard of “show” call...
As a researcher who studies Alzheimer’s disease and a neurologist who cares for people with Alzheimer’s, I share in the frustration, indeed anger, of people and families when I tell them that I have n...
The human body is an amazing thing, full of systems, organs, nerves, and vessels that work together in harmony. You’ve seen the body described as a machine, as a city, or even as a factory. But I view...
The human body is an amazing thing, full of systems, organs, nerves, and vessels that work together in harmony. You’ve seen the body described as a machine, as a city, or even as a factory. But I view...
Death is often the elephant in the room that everyone pretends isn’t there. This must change, because what ends up happening is that the person who’s dying feels very alone in this important time of t...
Not being able to hear is not normal—not even when you get older. Yet it happens all too often, and it’s usually as a result of stress or certain traumatic events in life. At some point we realize tha...
Not being able to hear is not normal—not even when you get older. Yet it happens all too often, and it’s usually as a result of stress or certain traumatic events in life. At some point we realize tha...
Most of the time, many of us succumb to the thought that something "in our genes" is going to catch up with us. The next conclusion then, is that nothing can be done to prevent it. However, we have be...
"Until one is committed there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills...
There exist several approaches to obtaining optimal health, all of them important, each of them acting in some way on all the aspects of our beings. I know that if a technique were valid for everyone,...
There exist several approaches to obtaining optimal health, all of them important, each of them acting in some way on all the aspects of our beings. I know that if a technique were valid for everyone,...
The chakras set the frequencies that give rise to every aspect of the human experience. The foods we eat have consciousness and provide an energetic blueprint that stabilizes and entrains matter and e...
The chakras set the frequencies that give rise to every aspect of the human experience. The foods we eat have consciousness and provide an energetic blueprint that stabilizes and entrains matter and e...
We begin our journey through the chakras with the lower chakras, through which the individual ego is constructed, and we end with the upper chakras, which have the ability to express our highest poten...
We begin our journey through the chakras with the lower chakras, through which the individual ego is constructed, and we end with the upper chakras, which have the ability to express our highest poten...
It is one thing to read (or write) about bringing up children, and quite another to actually do it. Words are easy to come by; so are anecdotes and suggestions. Yet without deeds, the soundest educati...
When we consider interspecies communication we usually think in terms of human-creature exchanges or interactions in which some kind of relationship has been established. But it is not uncommon for us...
When we resist change, we will be fearful. When we judge ourselves, we will also be fearful. Thus we must accept ourselves as we are right now in this moment, while desiring to improve ourselves and m...
Living in Asia in my early thirties challenged almost everything I thought I knew about the world. I learned the hard lesson of accepting things as they were and not as I thought they were or as I wan...
Living in Asia in my early thirties challenged almost everything I thought I knew about the world. I learned the hard lesson of accepting things as they were and not as I thought they were or as I wan...
Joanna was a classic example of how easily and fast healing can occur when the physical body, emotional release, mental attitude and spiritual faith are in alignment and only need some support or clar...
Joanna was a classic example of how easily and fast healing can occur when the physical body, emotional release, mental attitude and spiritual faith are in alignment and only need some support or clar...
When we resist change, we will be fearful. When we judge ourselves, we will also be fearful. Thus we must accept ourselves as we are right now in this moment, while desiring to improve ourselves and m...
If we stay focused on the growth potential offered through the “initiation” of disease, it can transform from enemy to teacher. It reminds us to do what we love, it teaches us how to heal and how to e...
If we stay focused on the growth potential offered through the “initiation” of disease, it can transform from enemy to teacher. It reminds us to do what we love, it teaches us how to heal and how to e...
A common rite of passage at midlife is the declining health, or death, of our parents. Those who brought us into the world are usually the ones to leave it first. They welcomed us when we got here; no...
Many people have real challenges in their relationships with other people. Are you one of them? One of the largest contributing factors to your ability to freely enjoy other people depends upon how mu...
The family blueprint that you inherited was chosen by you because it provided you with opportunities to develop in the areas you had previously selected. Perhaps you wanted to develop the art of forgi...
The word respect is commonly used as it relates to respecting others. For example, "Respect your elders. Honor your mother and your father." These phrases are familiar. But how about this one: "Honor...
The word pain is derived from the Latin word poena, which means "punishment". Whether pain should be thought of as a punishment is debatable, but we know that it certainly hurts to have it. Pain is na...
When our energy level is optimal, we become aroused and alerted to the world around us. Then, with a profound reciprocity, nature seems alerted to and connected to us. We experience energy as vigor an...
Psychoanalyst Heinz Kohut identified three kinds of relationship experience. The first, in which another affirms the validity of our strivings, secures our soul. The second, in which somebody appears...
It’s not the latest trend. It’s not a hashtag on social media. And it’s certainly not selfish. Self-care is an incredibly im­portant part of your physical and mental health.
Two weeks after separating from my first husband, I booked a bus tour through Italy, my first trip alone. Just two years prior, my anxiety, obsessive compulsive and panic attack disorders had become s...
Two weeks after separating from my first husband, I booked a bus tour through Italy, my first trip alone. Just two years prior, my anxiety, obsessive compulsive and panic attack disorders had become s...
Sacred space is a place where we honor the divine in its material form. The dimensions of a sacred space vary. It can occupy anything from the corner of a room to an altar, a Gothic cathedral, a mount...
You are about to learn a very specific technique for clearing your subconscious of all the old programming of anything less than unconditional love. This is a technique that will slip by your internal...
You are about to learn a very specific technique for clearing your subconscious of all the old programming of anything less than unconditional love. This is a technique that will slip by your internal...
The inner child waits patiently for the adult to notice it, to talk to it. It asks itself: "How can I get her attention? How can I get her to talk to me, to listen to me?" It thinks back of its past e...
The inner child waits patiently for the adult to notice it, to talk to it. It asks itself: "How can I get her attention? How can I get her to talk to me, to listen to me?" It thinks back of its past e...
Apparently people worldwide are ready for change, ready to say goodbye to our throwaway society and move toward a more sus­tainable way of living, with less waste and more care — for products, for the...
It's time to ignite a small revolution, a revolution of angels carrying stories to balance the darkness. How do you ignite a revolution? It's not really such a big deal. Revolution means a turning --...
What keeps us from reaching that state of continuous expansion and joy? What stands in the way of experiencing that place of no separation? What gets in the way of experiencing ourselves filled with l...
There is a subtle, but life-altering difference between our experiencing life the way we normally do, through our identities, and experiencing life the way we could, through our Essence. Our reality i...
You will discover as your dream journal grows that your dreams are interconnected in a vast web or skein of associations. A metaphor my collaborator Tobi uses comes from the Arbai Trilogy of science-f...
In the ancient Greek epic “The Odyssey,” Homer’s hero, Odysseus, describes the wild land of the Cyclops as a place where people don’t gather together in public, where each person makes decisions for t...
Masking is currently required to access retail stores across Canada amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Presently, every province has regulations in place that require customers to wear masks before entering...
Aristotle called humans “the social animal,” and people have recognized for centuries that young people need to be in communities to develop into healthy adults. The ongoing pandemic has caused concer...
Injuries happen when training load exceeds tissue tolerance – so basically, when you do more than your body is capable of. Fatigue, muscle-tendon strength, joint range of motion, and previous injury t...
Unlike Britain’s royal family, most of us don’t have the option to move to another country when we don’t see eye to eye. But most of us have likely experienced disagreements with loved ones.
From the beginnings of human civilization, almost all the peoples of the Earth have used some variant of the practices that Romanian anthropologist Mircea Eliade baptized “techniques of ecstasy” to he...
Cinemas were not how people originally watched movies. There are signs that home viewing will be be joined by a growing resurgence of local movie-going experiences that draw on entertainment pastimes...
Fifty-five nations, including Canada, the European Union, Japan and Mexico have pledged to meet the 30 by 30 target. Other countries like the United States, which is not a formal member of the coaliti...
Experts expected the increase in domestic violence victims seeking help last year (2020). Victims and their children were forced to spend more time with their abusers. They were cut off from support s...
Figuring out how to initiate (or return) to exercise in a way that feels emotionally and physically safe after experiencing illness, accidents, or acts of violence can be challenging, triggering, and...
The ecological crisis is a symptom of the spiritual crisis of the human being. The crisis is global. It transcends all national, religious, cultural, social, political, and economic boundaries. The re...
The 1970s anti-sexist men’s movement had an infrastructure of magazines, conferences, men’s centres and local anti-sexist men’s groups. Its members were passionately engaged with the problem of male v...
Whether it’s your arthritic relative who knows rain is on the way when their knees ache or your lifelong pal who gets a headache when a storm is approaching, we all know somebody who claims they can p...
For thousands of years, ever since mankind started settling in cities, we evolved in rigid, patriarchal and extremely authoritarian structures – at least in the West. This started changing after the i...
Friendships that bridge across social class – “cross-class friendships” – can minimize middle school academic achievement differences that are based on the level of parents’ education, according to re...
For many people who are incarcerated, either awaiting trial in jail or imprisoned after conviction, being locked in a pandemic hot spot has been terrifying. And for the 6.5 million Americans who have...
Wild bees are essential for sustaining the landscapes we love. A healthy community of wild pollinators ensures that most flowering plants have an A-team pollinator species and a reserve bench of backu...
The bedroom is home to our prayers and dreams, our solitude and sexuality. In this inner sanctum, where secrets and spirituality merge, we shed the masks we wear in our public lives and every night be...
Feeling exhausted at the end of a long day of video-conferencing? Do your back, shoulders and mind ache after a Zoom meeting marathon? Do you miss the morning chit chat at the office’s water fountain...
Work provides many things over and above the monthly pay cheque: status and identity, community and social connection, doing tasks that we find stimulating, and the opportunity to make a positive cont...
The Toronto Transit Commission reported a nearly one-third increase of suicide attempts or fatalities during the first eight months of the pandemic. Suicide prevention is a critical public health resp...
What follows are some activities from which I draw for my personal faith and mindset practice. I don't do all of these things every day but, across the span of any given month, I endeavor to do some c...
We all experience positive and negative self-talk on a regular basis. Whether you realize it or not, you’re probably having the same internal conversations over and over every day. These two opposing...
Vanity means pride or self-worship, which is different from self-love. In the effervescence of gaining achievement, it is easy to become enamored with oneself. Feeling good about yourself is healthy....
A new US study shows that people who are less physically active are more likely to be hospitalised and die with COVID-19. According to these new calculations, being inactive...
When recent or soon-to-be college graduates begin to seek employment, many inevitably turn to job-search and networking platforms on the internet.
“That reporter is too biased to cover this story.” It’s a too-familiar complaint from news consumers — and sometimes also from newsroom managers — because people expect journalists to be impartial, de...
One of our most ingrained belief systems, and one that evokes the most fear whenever challenged, is our religious belief system. Conflict will surely arise every time anyone challenges our programming...
The molecule called mRNA is an important messenger, carrying the instructions for life from DNA to the rest of the cell. It’s the key ingredient in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. But mRNA i...
Throughout the past year of working from home, I have gone for numerous morning, lunchtime and evening walks around my neighbourhood in the Eastern parts of Lund in Sweden.
The police officer charged with murder in the death of George Floyd is currently on trial in Minneapolis amid continued calls for defunding or abolishing police forces — not just in the United States,...
If you’ve contracted COVID, you not only had health problems that may have been life-threatening, but perhaps also experienced the aftermath of people distancing themselves from you, even shunning you...
Chanting is one of the easiest ways to turn within. When you are truly chanting you forget about yourself, and in that self-forgetfulness you begin to experience Ecstasy, Joy, Peace, Love and Compassi...
I discovered the healing power of getting in touch with feelings while struggling with a serious illness. Without realizing what I was doing or where it would lead, I scribbled and doodled my feelings...
While more living space, a dedicated home office or upgraded kitchen might ease the strain the pandemic has put on homes and families, the renovation process, which tests relationships at the best of...
In some cases, there is widespread agreement on what racism is. For example, most people would agree that restricting a racial group’s right to vote in a federal election is racist. (Indigenous people...
Our current call-out culture often advocates publicly shaming and humiliating wrongdoers, destroying their reputations and making them lose their jobs. Further, this culture prioritizes the impact of...
Blooming flowers, chirping birds and long-awaited rays of sunshine: The first signs of spring are often greeted with joy. But soon comes the realization that with warm weather comes ticks.
We all know that it's best to avoid getting into control struggles with our kids -- battles over going to bed on time, cleaning up rooms, getting homework done, completing college applications when th...
Skin brushing is a highly effective technique for cleansing the lymphatic system. Topics covered in this article: Benefits of Skin Brushing; What type of skin brush is the best to use; How to Brush Yo...
The most important question is not how to survive biodiversity loss, climate disruption, ecological degradation, pandemics, and fascism. It’s not even: Will we survive? It’s this: What would it look l...
Even if your tolerance of ambiguity is lower, there are proven ways to build this important cultural agility competency. Start with one or two of the following strategies and practice them until they...
Researchers studying the relationship between dream content and the onset of disease have discovered a particular type of recurring dream that often comes long before cancer becomes apparent. Their re...
One approach that addresses the challenges families face today comes down to a familiar but often overlooked tradition — sharing stories about older relatives and their experiences.
It is a simple procedure to calculate the number of seeds in an apple. But who among us can ever say how many apples are in a seed? No one — and the reason is that the answer is infinite. Endless! Tha...
We so often get in the way of grief; we try to suppress, truncate, postpone, or ignore it. We are afraid of being overwhelmed, of becoming nonfunctional: "If I start crying, I'll never stop:" But grie...
Guess what? Life is unfair, and combat is unequivocally unfair. Crazy things happen in combat that you don’t expect and can’t plan for. A bomb could blow up, killing everyone around you, while you esc...
It’s the moment we thought we were all waiting for…or is it? We were cautiously optimistic about the end of the pandemic in view of increasing vaccine availability and decreasing case numbers after th...
If you could be one age for the rest of your life, what would it be? Would you choose to be nine years old, absolved of life’s most tedious responsibilities, and instead able to spend your days playin...
Many children with autism struggle to find the words to express how they feel. But when it comes to music, it’s an entirely different situation...
The Age of Aries brought an awakening of the outwardly directed ego, but the more feminine Piscean Age brought about a newfound sense of interiority or inwardness. In religious terms, this was most ev...
The whole point of a soul mate turning up in your life is to show you to yourself. That is the purpose of all human relationships. You learn through viewing in the mirror
Pilar had remained in virtual schooling throughout the pandemic as a first and then second grader. As things began to open up again and her grandmother received the COVID-19 vaccine, Pilar’s parents b...
Many of us are looking forward to a summer of relative freedom, with road-mapped milestones that will grant us more opportunities to see our friends and family. But we’ll be carrying the effects of mo...
Ideally, we need a home test that’s as easy to use as the LFTs but as sensitive as the PCR test. An excellent candidate is a method called loop-mediated isothermal amplification (Lamp). This works alo...
We’re all going to die. This is the repeated warning about climate change in some media: if we don’t change our ways we face an existential threat. So why haven’t we got a policy solution in place?
When was the last time you shook someone’s hand, or kissed them on the cheek to say hello? The pandemic has put a stop to these simple gestures, while social distancing and strict hygiene practices ha...
We each have a choice, and let's be clear what that choice is. Martin Luther King Jr. told us that "Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of d...
Does the real value of astrology reside in its insights into human behavior or in forecasting the future? As an astrologer who is also a psychotherapist, I am strongly in favor of "insights into human...
If you have experienced unwanted weight gain or weight loss during the pandemic, you are not alone. According to a poll by the American Psychological Association, 61% of U.S. adults reported undesired...
While 67% of U.S. adults support marijuana legalization, public knowledge about cannabis is low. A third of Americans think hemp and marijuana are the same thing, according to the National Institutes...
Just as adults benefit from talking about their challenges with friends or a therapist, many children benefit from processing upsetting experiences during pretend play. Perhaps you’ve noticed that whe...
People ask me if I'm a medicine man. Well, I'm not. Some of our Indian people were blessed with that power in the past. They're all gone now. Today our people know only a little medicine. We had great...
The World Health Organization has been drawing attention to pandemic fatigue, a natural response to a prolonged public health crisis. Pandemic fatigue involves decreasing motivation to follow health-r...
With some kindergarten children now participating in online learning, questions persist about how they will learn the competencies needed to help them flourish both socially and academically...
A recent study into the impact of systemic toxic behaviours exhibited by managers found that even one or two toxic behaviours, such as manipulating and intimidating, was enough to cause significant ha...
People have told me many stories of difficult mother-daughter relationships that healed through caregiving. Their stories have given me the gift of healing. Forgiveness, compassion, acceptance, and lo...
In order to reach the summit of your own personal mountain, your mandate must be to love, inspire, and serve others in whatever you do -- not in some lofty purpose "over there," but in your daily life...
Each of us has thoughts, feelings, opinions, preferences, and needs that won’t necessarily jibe with those of important others. Sometimes there will be inevitable conflicts to navigate. The presence o...
One old behaviour that has persisted, and has arguably been amplified due to COVID-19, is sitting — and it is not surprising to see why.
We need to learn to live with COVID-19 as we continue efforts to vaccinate. Closing daycare centres and schools has a significant effect on the mental health, well-being and learning of children and y...
A recent survey from the UK, for example, showed children were spending 34.5% more time reading than they were before lockdown. Their perceived enjoyment of reading had increased by 8%.
Junk emotions, such as anxiety, jealousy, anger, obsession, short-temperedness, greed, hatred, and so on, are neither good for us nor are they good for other people with whom we come into contact. The...
Why go to all the trouble of learning to meditate? Isn't it all too hard? The short answer is that learning to meditate will invariably help your well-being. One of the best answers is that you will f...
Many parents spent at least some months this year supporting their children to learn from home (and still are). This already substantial challenge was complicated by children not being able to go out...
“After the pandemic is over” must be one of the most frequently uttered phrases of 2021. I am certainly guilty of this kind of optimism, longing for the day when I can get on a plane, have dinner with...
Live events are set to make a welcome return as the UK moves out of lockdown in the coming months. Sporting, music and cultural events are among the things that people have missed most during the pand...
Just as there are four seasons in Nature, our inner natures also experience four seasons. In the Winter of our inner natures, we feel as if we're coming undone; an old fear we thought we'd put to rest...
Coffee, green tea and other caffeinated drinks are a popular way to start the morning. Not only does it give many people a much-needed boost, but caffeine can also help when it comes to fitness.
As a lecturer in Japanese studies, the first questions I ask my students is: “What sort of images come to mind when you think of Japan?” The answers usually include advanced technologies, red shrine g...
You may have heard that fish have a three-second memory, or that they’re incapable of feeling pain. Neither of these statements is true, but it’s telling that these misconceptions don’t crop up for ot...
Focusing keeps your eyes on the road, but awareness lets you enjoy the scenery. Almost all the satisfaction of a sitting comes not from watching the road but from those sideways glances at the scenery...
Easter can be a challenging and anxious time for children with food allergies and their families. First, there are the foods we commonly associate with Easter — chocolate and...
Microdosing has become something of a wellness trend in recent years. The practice involves taking a low dose of a psychedelic drug to enhance performance, or reduce stress and anxiety.
Churches around the world hold services for their three most important days during Holy Week: Holy Thursday, sometimes called Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
As a spiritual practice, when we ask for what we need and offer each other what we can, we enter a dance of unavoidable reciprocity. As we ask for what we need and offer what we can we become spiritua...
For a lot of human history, lefties have been seen as a little odd, and unfortunately some have even been treated very badly. For example, the word “sinister” comes from the Latin for “left” or “left...
While the effects of a culture of toxic masculinity are most detrimental for the victims, other employees in workplaces and the wider community can also be negatively impacted.
Conversations are beginning about Generation C, the COVID-19 kids. While exactly which ages should be included in this generational label is under debate, what’s clear to researchers of child developm...
Just what is a feeling, exactly? That was a question a client asked me, with an emphasis on the "exactly." It's a great question because it is so direct, to the point, and so difficult to answer exact...
Flamenco dancing is a delight to watch. A good flamenco dancer exudes an exuberant self-confidence that we, the audience, absorb. The whole dance has a quality of proud self-assurance and glorificatio...
Whether you encounter persistent drowsiness or any other obstacle to meditation, if you are not ready to meditate just now, ask yourself, Why not? Is there something you are avoiding in your daily lif...
The priests of the Age of the Father, whose job centered on sacrifice, would probably not have recognized their successors as religions. One of the charges the pagan Romans leveled against the Christi...
In Australia and elsewhere a movement has emerged that supports tiny house living as an important response to the housing affordability crisis . Yet, to date, research begun in 2014 shows no appreciab...
As someone teaching first-year astronomy at the moment, where much time is spent discussing the Moon, here are my answers to some of the most common recent Moon questions.
There may be no more important component of personal happiness than your interpersonal relationships. Think about it: When things are going well with your spouse or significant other, your friends, yo...
Lee Webster, president emeritus of the National Home Funeral Alliance, writes, “Home funerals are about empowering families to care for their own dead, to take the time to be present and absorb the lo...
Jewish families will gather for Passover this year in circumstances that will, like the celebration itself, reflect on dark times while holding out for better to come.
PTSD, a mental health problem that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening traumatic event, is a complex condition and can be hard to treat. Our lab is studying whether...
In the far reaches of Canada’s North, there’s a different type of social distancing happening this year. Amid the lingering snowdrifts and bowed branches of spruce trees, a small mammal yells a feroci...
Connecting astrology and mythology, Pluto represents the underworld of the unconscious. It is an extremely powerful force which has rulership over the instinctive forces that lie buried deep in the un...
Cell Level Meditation is a vehicle for finding our way “home.” We take the breath to our cells, offering them our deepest desire to be happy and healthy and strong. In some way, they hear us and respo...
The desire to make a dream come true has been a part of cultures throughout history. The ancient Peruvians drew their goals in symbols. The Egyptians created elaborate rituals to move from desire to a...
The American mathematician Robert Kaplan once said: “If you look at zero you see nothing; but look through it and you will see the world.”
The destruction of tropical forest is a major contributor to biodiversity loss and the climate crisis. In response, conservationists and scientists like us are debating how to best catalyse recovery o...
The evidence of a link between processed meat and cancer is now strong enough for some organisations to recommend not eating any. There’s also increasing evidence of a link between processed meat and...
Due to unanticipated productivity gains, many organizations have publicly declared their intention to make working from home a permanent part of their future business models. But it has not all been p...
How long should you meditate? The first rule is, Don't be ruled by what others do. What works well for them may not work for you. Accept that in certain ways you are unique. Intensity of effort is far...
Trust evolves. We start off as babies with perfect trust. Inevitably, trust is damaged by our parents or other family members. In order to heal, we must learn when and how trust can be restored. As pa...
Don't be hard on yourself or anyone else, but see that some of these games have been handed down for centuries like family heirlooms. Every one of them can be righted, and often the first major step i...
As adults we may hope that our children won’t be aware of death and that we can protect them from it. However, it is important that we support them in their understanding by allowing them to ask quest...
Over the past year, many people have found it difficult to focus, pay attention and get tasks done. They notice, too, that they are more irritable and restless.
Younger people are at lower risk of severe health outcomes if they develop COVID-19, and are therefore not a priority group for vaccine rollout. However, a silent mental health pandemic wave is in ful...
Dare to make eye contact with another. As the adage says, "The eyes are the window to the soul." Making eye contact is one of the most basic ways to share our inner light with another. Daring to commu...
As we pass the spring equinox, lengthening days promise the return of warmth and with it, the return of migratory songbirds. In Canada, we welcome back our songbirds, relishing the profusion of song a...
The targeted killing of eight women in Atlanta, six of them Asian, is a brutal result of decades-long exclusion and oppression, legitimized in law and colonial reverberations, that allow a white-domin...
Canadian media have reported on concerns that due to pandemic school closures students are falling behind in learning, and specifically in reading.
All too often we approach exercise as just another task -- maybe even a burden. We do it because we know we should. "Stress walking", some folks have labeled it as they dash off to battle calories and...
It’s easy to oversimplify daydreaming by saying that all you have to do is imagine something, but for the budding Dream Technician I’m going to give some very useful exercises and practices.
What we think we know to be true, we actually borrowed from somebody else. When you were born, your subconscious mind began to record all the sensations and inputs you were exposed to. Bit by bit, you...
What is prosperity? Many of you automatically think of prosperity as something primarily financial. However, this is simply not so. It is success by your standards: it could mean lying in the sun for...
Spring is a time of growth, of new beginnings! The daffodils and the tulips peak their heads up towards the sun for their natural nourishment of growth and balance. We humans are the same. We need cer...
This is the time of year, the Spring, which represents rebirth and regeneration. It's the time of year when we shed the parts of ourselves that are no longer working for us and move forward into the w...
An angel letter is a powerful technique that enables you to receive higher spiritual guidance. Writing a letter to your guardian angel will certainly help you to strengthen your communication with eac...
Our breath determines the state of our bodies and our minds. It is even more vital for our well being than food. The way we breathe determines how healthy and balanced we are. Once we know how to...
The promotion of a culture of peace requires more than an absence of war. Clearly, any definition of a culture of peace must address the problem of achieving justice for communities and individuals wh...
While listening to the radio today, I heard someone suggest that the best way to deal with divorce was to never have one! I suppose there is some truth to that; however, it's a bit unrealistic. In Ame...
Many people regard the imagination with suspicion, as something that has no place in adult life. In contrast, the wisdom traditions teach that the imagination is one of the most important, most direct...
It was my nature at a very young age to be observant and contemplative. I observed the restrained and reverential behavior of people in church. I also observed, curiously, that many of these same sanc...
The journey to higher and higher consciousness is endless. However, it bears asking ourselves, “Where are we now?” Do we have some awareness of what we need to do to bring ourselves inner peace? Do we...
Pioneers of all types are often met with disbelief, ridicule, harsh judgements, and lack of cooperation and support. If the establishment feels threatened by novel ideas and theories, this can have se...
You have chosen to come upon this earth from many diversified energies. In this melting pot that you call America, you have chosen to extend your energies to flow with one another.
Why do we project our repressed parts? Why can't or don't those parts just remain peacefully buried -- or asleep in the basement -- and let us go on undisturbed with our "normal" lives? Apparently the...
Creativity, or bringing something into being, results from the interaction between form and potential. How these energies play together determines what is created -- the imaginings of your life and wo...
We do not practice meditation to gain admiration from anyone. In this essay we learn some basics of meditation and how to meditate.
Broadly speaking, all sound and vibration affects us. Just like food, what we take in can bring us health or detract from our well-being. We consume sounds from the vibrational soup in which we exist...
We were born into belief systems which have been reinforced by our culture, and now accepted as reality. These beliefs are perceptions of how life works. At first glance many perceptions appear to be...
Our physical senses -- hearing, sight, taste, smell, and touch -- are powerful receptors, able to retrieve immense amounts of information every second. They send signals through the nervous system to...
The hierarchical elite that has always controlled information and knowledge is in fact the world ego of the planetary group soul, of which we are all a part. Over the years to come, you will witness t...
I began to doubt myself. Was a full recovery too much to hope for? Shouldn’t I be content to just be breathing? Wasn’t getting my hopes up for what seemed impossible—getting back to the man I had been...
We usually have a love-hate relationship with emotions. When we aren't subduing our difficult emotions, we love to feel them and explore their meaning. We hold onto them, recall them, even obsess abou...
I walk with the Great Spirit, with God. I talk to Him. The Great Spirit guides me in my life. Wakan-Tanka, that's what we call him in Lakota. You can call Wakan-Tanka by any name you like. In English...
Each and every moment we are given the wonderful gift of free will to make choices. These choices can be as simple as choosing what to wear or what to eat. Personal choices rarely affect another perso...
The intensity of the Moon's influence on us varies. The Moon's phase determines the strength of its involvement in our lives, while the twelve signs of the Zodiac determine its breadth. For our purpos...
Most of us had an idea where we thought this journey of life was taking us, and this has likely been at least partially uprooted by the coronavirus crisis, probably significantly. The word “thought” i...
A city-based lifestyle promotes a phenomenon called “eating out.” People eat out for various reasons. They get tired after work and have no interest, time, or energy to cook their own food, so they sp...
You don't have to be a scientist to know that energy is all around us and inside us. In fact, when we get down to it, energy is all that exists. In high school science class we learned that energy is...
Although in my classes at the university I referred to myself as an "old hippie", my life had become tame, boring, and very unfulfilling. A growing awareness had started creeping in, an awakening in m...
When we conjure up ancient philosophers the image that springs to mind might be a bald Socrates discoursing with beautiful young men in the sun, or a scholarly Aristotle lecturing among cool columns.
According to article 19 and 20 of a UN agreement, service dogs are welcome in hospitals, shops and other public places. In practice, though, many users and their dogs are regularly refused entry. Ofte...
Complaints about online harassment in the UK continue to rise. A recent response to a freedom of information request from the BBC revealed that, on average, the police receive 200 reports of online ab...
We look at things always with old eyes. You come to your home; you look at it without looking at it. You know it -- there is no need to look at it. The last time you looked at your wife or at your hus...
Recruiting new astronauts is the first step into the new era of human space exploration. Many people may have dreamed of becoming an astronaut since childhood, but do you have what it takes?
Several years ago when I decided to attract my ideal spiritual partner, I created a long list of qualities and characteristics I would like to have in that partner. I then released my desire to the Un...
Marine ecosystems are under threat from deep-sea mining projects, oil rigs and offshore windfarms. When these facilities are built and maintained, they tend to damage the rich ecological networks arou...
Stories of celebrities suffering abuse and harassment on Twitter are a constant feature in today’s news. Footballers and rugby players are ritually abused if their teams lose. Politicians and journali...
Google, Facebook, Microsoft, TikTok, Redbubble and Twitter have agreed to abide by a code of conduct targeting misinformation. Suspiciously, however, the so-called Australian Code of Practice on Disin...
In the space of 12 months, students and teachers have radically redefined their roles in higher education. Significant difficulties have largely been met with determination and invention. Here are fiv...
How I see my life path is a choice I make minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day… And this choice will determine the quality of my life.
You make decisions all the time. Most are small. However, some are really big : they have ramifications for years or even decades. In your final moments, you might well think back on these decisions —...
We see depression being accompanied by various sub-qualities such as anger, hurt, helplessness, fear, grief, or sadness, but the root of the depression is the same. It appears that depression occurs w...
What do kids really need to be successful and happy people? Parents, educators, and society as a whole couldn't ask a more important question. How you answer this question will determine how you will...
Researchers have shown how creative thinking can be cultivated by simple habits like exercise, sleep and reading. But another catalyst is unplanned interactions with close friends, casual acquaintance...
Therapists require extensive training, and the most effective forms of therapy involve coaching patients in everyday situations, which is time-consuming and therefore costly. Delivering psychological...
Globally, households are shrinking – more and more people are living alone. In 2016, almost two thirds of all households in the EU were composed of one or two people, with shrinking households also pr...
Lack of personal meaning and fulfillment is endemic to contemporary Western and Westernized societies. Why are depression, anxiety, and suicide increasingly common? I believe the cause has more to do...
ADHD is not an all-or-nothing diagnosis. There appears to be a curve of behaviors and personality types, ranging from extremely non-ADHD to extremely ADHD. Although there has not yet been...
For many lovers of classic literature, opportunities to devour the works of undiscovered authors can be enough to make people’s eyes light up. For those who aren’t as keen on the genre, the appeal of...
You may not think you have a core negative belief, but if you’re mysteriously stuck, one or two ideas are probably holding you back — or blowing you off course — without your even realizing it,
"Doing" Ayurveda does not require conquering complicated Sanskrit terms, memorizing mantras, mastering body contortions, or struggling with religious beliefs. It requires nothing except that you commi...
In our latest study, my colleagues and I have identified changes in blood that occur years before a Parkinson’s diagnosis. This could lead to earlier diagnosis of the disease.
Many of us may be looking to art activities to keep children busy while at home. If you are, I want you to know that you are doing something positive for your children. From improving communication an...
Wealth is something we create. It is not merely there, waiting for us to find it and lay claim to it. Thus we see that it isn't only that we attract money to us: We attract energy, which then manifest...
Racialized perceptions related to masks have put an additional burden on groups that already experience racism and inequality. In a group I have studied since 2013 – Muslim women in the West who wear...
One of the most devastating elements of the coronavirus pandemic has been the inability to personally care for loved ones who have fallen ill. Some had to say their final goodbyes through smartphone s...
The technique of the "Inner Advisor" brings forth an image that represents wisdom, love, support, and safety. This image can be anything. Inner advisors can be guardian angels, imaginary friends, or s...
You probably still remember public service ads that scared you: The cigarette smoker with throat cancer. The victims of a drunk driver. The guy who neglected his cholesterol lying in a morgue with a t...
Some grow up against a backdrop of strong pious traditions, while others are born into families in which both parents belong to different denominations, or no denomination at all. Most of us tend to a...
If you answered yes to more than three questions, I would highly recommend that you follow the guidelines in this chapter to switch to a heart-friendly lifestyle.
The quest to discover 'Who am I?' and 'Why am I here?' is often preceded by some crisis that serves as a wake-up call and has the potential to propel us, if we're willing, into a more expanded or spir...
Generally speaking, humility is a virtue. Foolish pride and ego glorification are pretty much universally recognized as the opposite of spirituality. An effective way to cultivate your spirituality an...
An addiction is anything that has a "hold" on us, such as work, exercise, sex, food (especially chocolate, sugar, and coffee), alcohol, cigarettes, illegal drugs, medications, money, worry, material p...
Aspiration and achievement, power and success, and fame and fortune are presented as highly esteemed goals in our education systems, our workplaces, the media, and the social fabric of modern societie...
I truly believe there are no accidents in life. There is only the magic and mystery of Spirit, and when we open ourselves up to this infinite energy and say “yes!” to our holy longings, Spirit moves i...
Each cell has its own biological clock that controls its individual rate of repair, replication, and death. Cancer cells are part of your body. At one time, they functioned perfectly well. For mostly...
The following sentence is the most important thing I have to say about dreams and dreaming: AFTER A DREAM IS OVER, IT BECOMES A MEMORY! This is the key to mastering your dreams.
The Moon, in the astrological chart, can help us understand how we deal with our emotions. It shows how comfortable we are with dependency, how we take care of others, gratify their needs, and how we...
Change is ongoing. So, you are finding yourselves energized, mobilized to move beyond the present motion in your lives, beyond the present attachments, beyond the present alienations. The alienation,...
Open and honest communication requires us to expose our true thoughts and feelings. Once those are out of our mouths, they can be criticized, ridiculed, or rejected. When we’re not used to being vulne...
Everything seems to be changing! What is new is that now, at the beginning of this millennium, the whole planet is in therapy. Planetary therapy takes us on a journey in which we discover that we are...
In our youth-obsessed culture, the advancing specter of growing old becomes something to be tirelessly avoided. Our society's beliefs about growing old don't honor the eldership status of our seniors....
I believe that both Lyme disease and parasites are teaching us to love ourselves, claim our power, toughen up, and strengthen our boundaries on all levels. After one has worked with clearing on an ene...
When we don't recognize or accept certain parts of our own nature - positive and negative - we'll project these qualities onto others. Those who anger, irritate, frustrate, and even consciously attemp...
Our youth, to whom we will entrust the twenty-first century, look upon neither their future nor their world with bright hope. This is why I feel compelled to discuss the problems of our youth, particu...
There is so much to know as we all begin to wake up and realize our gifts. Now that the age of Aquarius has arrived, many of us will begin to be more aware and tuned into our own intuition and special...
According to most of the singles I have met in my travels, the typical dating situation is fraught with fear. It seems that when people believe there's a lot at stake, they get nervous and instead of...
Consuming too much is the scourge of modern Western culture. Food is not the only thing you may over-consume. Greed causes you to risk everything for the sake of acquisition. This acquisitiveness dest...
Zoologist & paleo-anthropologist Hank Wesselman is a scientist with a foot in two worlds. He spent 30 years researching evolution in the Great Rift Valley in Africa and has also trained in shamanism f...
Though our current society served us in the past, it is unable to stand in the increasing velocity of the evolving age. Like a bi-plane trying to break the sound barrier, it is losing integrity, start...
When power is misused, there is an imbalance in the relationship between those who have the power and misuse it and those on whom the power is being enforced. The former are operating from fear, while...
There is a vast difference between ego and self-esteem, although the observer can easily confuse them. Ego is egotism, an inordinately large sense of self-importance.
Things do not appear without a thought having first given "life" to them. Through your thoughts, you are creating all the time—even when you sleep. The "meals" of your experience are cooked in the kit...
What is the infinity sign really about? There was a time when knowledge of the power of symbols was the preserve of initiates only and it was passed on in secret. The infinity sign, or lemniscate, is...
I recently recovered from a broken heart. The man I had been deeply in love with, and believed was my life-partner, was not in love with me. I decided to take an active part in my healing process. I h...
These are the instructions for the meditative practice, The Gate of Forgiveness, from The Alchemy of Stones , Chapter 13: Forgiveness.
As cities all over the world shut down to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, videos emerged on the internet: Italians singing from their balconies, policemen in Spain playing guitar while on pa...
Western science has discovered that when people are heavy thinkers, when they worry a lot, when their thoughts dwell on anger, jealousy, hatred, or other negative emotions, their brain activity can co...
Without the welcome arrival of immigrants, our countries would slowly empty themselves of their population. In Germany, thanks to the massive and very recent increased influx of immigrants and refugee...
As we grow up, our egos become more complicated. We grow to resent (both consciously and unconsciously) the judgments we have suffered, and we try to avoid them. Our Inner Judge learns to project our...
As we grow up, our egos become more complicated. We grow to resent (both consciously and unconsciously) the judgments we have suffered, and we try to avoid them. Our Inner Judge learns to project our...
Maithuna is a ritual of transformation, and although it is expected to generate pleasure, the pleasure must not be of the ego -- when the man and woman embrace, they do so not as themselves, but as ma...
Most of us have a relationship to the outside world based on conflict, the power struggle. It is quite tiring. One must always be on the alert. Could there be another way of doing things?
When I was growing up, I was basically allowed to express one feeling, and I had to go to my room to do it. When I came out of my room, I was expected to feel “better,” even if I didn’t. The basic mes...
Belly dance (by whatever name it is called) is excellent for any age. It is a celebration of womanhood, a dance by women for women's purposes. It can be practiced in preparation for childbirth and aft...
It’s easy to sit in judgement and torture ourselves. I thought the pain and fatigue were temporary. I thought I was being weak. I convinced myself it was nothing to worry about, and all I needed to do...
Realizing that we create everything we experience - no matter how positive or negative it may seem - is the first step in spiritual mastery. But it's only the beginning. Trying to satisfy the endless...
Quite a few people have bought into the widely held myth that-long term relationships eventually become flat and boring. This belief, if unchallenged can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy that will e...
Before you decide to bring your life to a halt, to stop all important decision making and to sit waiting for the next Mercury Retrograde 'mess up' to overtake you, let's take a look at some important...
It goes without saying that harming others does not a friendly community make. We can begin to refrain from doing harm while cultivating love and good relations. When we live with this value, we honor...
Nonviolent dog training allows you to create a partnership with your dog using gentle persuasion based in kindness, respect, and compassion. This gentle persuasion is what the nonviolent dog training...
Spiritual progress is painfully slow and uncertain until the eyes of discernment are opened. Without discernment, we too often mistake the inward promptings of our small self for the voice of the high...
The message of "Living in the Moment" was given greater depth when shortly before the writing of this book was completed; my own journey brought me to a fork in the road. A beautiful voice, one that I...
It's completely understandable when parents give their young children their iPhone or iPad to help them wait at a doctor's office, sit at a restaurant, or allow the parent to simply catch up with hous...
What we call meditation or contemplation -- for want of a better word -- is really supposed to be fun. I have some difficulty in conveying this idea because most people take anything to do with religi...
When we start to do something meaningful, excuses come up that prevent us from giving it our whole heart and attention. We can fritter away days and nights on mindless diversions, but when it comes ti...
When I was growing up in Jamshedpur, India, we lived a life based on Ayurveda, an ancient system for understanding disease and health that considers food that is grown, cooked, and eaten with reverenc...
Think of someone you know, or know of, someone with a quiet self-assurance, a person with a strong moral compass, who is not swayed by passing fancies, a man or woman who sets a clear direction for th...
We all have the ability to intuitively know things. It’s just something you feel or even see. The ability is built-in; intuition is a sixth sense of the nervous system, used to sense energy, and with...
In astrology books produced during the early part of the twentieth century, almost every factor in an individual's chart was regarded to be good or bad depending upon how "easy" or "difficult" it migh...
Looking ahead to the future, it’s impossible to say what tomorrow’s work­place will bring—what transformations will occur from new trends, tech­nology, or other forms of corporate culture. How you nav...
When a parent faces a stressful situation and their child needs attention, the urgencies of the moment can invite a hasty response. For this reason, it is helpful for parents to remind themselves of t...
I had arrived at my first powwow. As I sat listening to the drums I couldn't help but wonder... Did I have the strength to align myself with the power of the eagle? The courage necessary to take on th...
The following are some tried-and-true methods for removing toxic chemicals from your body, which will help relieve your body's toxic burden...
The word estrangement comes from the Latin word extraneare , meaning “to treat as a stranger.” Becoming a stranger to one’s child is one of the most painful things that can happen to a parent.
The instant we release self-judgment we are incapable of judging anyone else. We can only judge ourselves if we have not accepted ourselves unconditionally. Every experience is an equally valid expres...
While incense can be used to cleanse a place or fumigate a person, the range in effect varies from very mild to exceptionally strong. They can be very potent aids to maintaining spiritual purity and c...
Twelve beliefs and practices for you to cultivate as you develop your abilities to manifest miracles in your life. I use the terms spiritual and non-spiritual in the sense that a spiritual being has a...
Responsible profit taking is honorable. Those who are legitimate producers deserve to be rewarded for their earnest contributions. It is when profit taking replaces concern for others or for ecosystem...
Many of us are terrified of handling our money because we don't believe we can do it well, and to do it wrong would jeopardize our very existence. On a deeper level we know that money is not the sourc...
Whether it's COVID-19 or a car accident, we all run the risk of having to rely on someone else to manage our households or access our important estate documents. This year, resolve to be prepared ­­—...
It is said that when the student is ready, the teacher may physically appear and guide them in their transformation until the time when the teacher is seen everywhere. As a result of working with a Su...
The extensive cycle research of the past thirty years... has established numerous links between regularly occurring human behavior and external natural cycles ranging from weather and solar radiation...
Color can be a tremendous Ch'i enhancement when you love it, or cause a real depletion in energy if you don't. If a color bugs you, get rid of it. Removing offensive colors can make a positive change...
Health has always been a matter of great concern to me. In fact, from an early age I began to experience health problems, without having any exact notion of what had caused them. I said to myself: “Ei...
John Bradshaw underscores the importance of family connection. He emphasizes acceptance and "loving your own crooked family with your own crooked heart." Just as Mormons celebrate Mondays as Family at...
To the intuitive mind, complexity is not a mystery, nor is it overwhelming. It’s just a different reality that requires a different set of skills and capacities—the skills and capacities that come fro...
I’d just conducted a performance of the Broadway musical Hamilton in San Francisco in 2017 when I experienced a heart attack on my way home. Tests proved that my right coronary artery was 90% blocked,...
In contemporary astrology, the planet Saturn reflects one's "karma." It is a simple matter of cause and effect. Saturn can become the herald of your greatest potential for natural balance. The exact l...
If you are an adult who has experienced chronic issues with restlessness, impatience, poor listening skills, or a difficulty doing “boring” jobs like balancing a checkbook, you already know what it fe...
The ear cannot close naturally; it has no lid, no muscle, no reflex that could consciously create a barrier between our acoustic perception and the outside world. We listen to sounds from the start of...
Transformation can, among other things, be compared to a fire burning away what once was. These experiences of change are the ones that leave us with deeply etched memories.
We're programmed to have unrealistic expectations from movies and TV, from romance stories promising wonderful experiences with people who anticipate our every wish. We want someone to be always carin...
We’re constantly filling our ears with noise, TV and radio news, podcasts, and, of course, the multitude of sounds that we create nonstop in our own heads. Think about it: How many moments each day do...
It’s painful to find yourself seriously stuck. Despite doing all the right things, inexplicably you’re unable to reach a long-held goal, whether it’s in your career, your relationships, your finances,...
The creative journey of intuitive plant connections, combined with reiki, has become my path and continues to evolve as I come into alignment with my own true nature.
Usually, a lack of proper spiritual education and moral guidance in a society is a powerful factor that allows the dark shadows easy entrance into clouded human hearts. Many people, from all professio...
We are so conditioned to using our five physical senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell), that we expect intuition to be something equally tangible. It is not. Intuition, the "sixth sense," r...
I want to invite you to breathe in and breathe out, and as you breathe in and breathe out, become aware of your heart as a portal. This multidimensional door has pathways that lead to infinite places,...
Lockdowns have a disproportionate impact on the most disadvantaged people in society. This cost is greater still in poorer countries, where not going to work can mean literally having no food to eat.
Fear is debilitating. It affects us our thinking, our health, and our relationships. And we know, it is very present in these times. But there are ways to leave fear behind and enter a life of joy...
Unless we address the health of the earth, collectively and holistically, the symptoms of our own inner health will persist and will worsen. The health of the planet and our own inner health are one....
Appreciation is most powerful when it ceases to be something that you do only occasionally, and instead becomes your basic approach to life. You must first be willing to overcome certain resistances t...
I have believed all my life that there is a necessary interaction that occurs between a person and the Divine. This interaction does not come only to great spiritual masters, it comes also to us: ordi...
A danger of reducing the new BP target to a headline is it might sound like we should be getting everyone’s blood pressure down to 120. That’s definitely not what the new guidelines say, or what the e...
Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret Garden has been described as “the most significant children’s book of the 20th century.” The novel is a sensitive and complex story, which explores how a relations...
You can have a consultation with your GP, psychologist and other health providers via video or phone, rather than going in. Some but not all health care can safely be shifted online. But it can be dif...
Our pets are constantly interacting on the subtle level, directing data at you while picking up messages from you. Most likely, you’ve been relatively unaware of exactly how much intuitive communicati...
That which you "most choose to have in your life, you must first become." It is time for us all to "be" what it is that we wish to be. It is time for us to "be" the Divine Light rather than insist tha...
Find five minutes a day to focus on peace and visualize this planet absolutely radiant, bathed totally in Light, Power, Love, and Harmony. When you do this, you are moving away from limited beliefs in...
Australia’s health system has embraced telehealth during the coronavirus pandemic, with patients getting care online, by video or by phone. But what happens to this post-pandemic is uncertain.
In a world immersed in urgency, with alarm bells ringing left and right and dire predictions for our future, how dare I come up with a banner marked, “Yes, so many good things are happening”? Simply b...
Our intuition can magically show you what can be helpful in your healing. You must be open to listening to these messages from your body, mind, and soul. I healed from Lyme dis­ease by listening to th...
We all have a choice. We can submit to apathy and indifference or we can choose hope. This dialogue is about choosing hope and recognizing that we each have a responsibility to make a difference in th...
There is a new "breed" of humans among us and they are here to usher in the new age of peace. These powerful and intuitive people have little tolerance for dishonesty. They are on Earth so that they c...
I first heard about yoni eggs in Thailand, several years ago. I was immediately intrigued by this small, oval, polished stone and wanted to learn more about it and test it. I was excited to discover a...
Australians are reporting bird sightings at record rates – they’ve just changed where and how they do it.
COVID-19 is pushing us all in ways we’ve never been pushed, and making us do thing we’ve never done. It’s also stressing us in very peculiar ways. Perhaps one of the most tiring things is the all enco...
Food banks have morphed from “emergency to industry” – lauded for reducing food insecurity and helping to solve the food waste problem by diverting tonnes of produce from landfill.
Ask a child why they write and you might receive a common response: the teacher told me to. Kids often lack confidence as writers and find it emotionally draining. The problem might be the classroom a...
In Western culture, many have become removed from witnessing the actual dying experience as a normal part of life. In my hospice work, I often find myself not only energetically supporting the patient...
Though intuition may, at first, seem elusive, unpredictable, and mysterious, it is not, by nature, random or haphazard. Its processes follow very real principles and natural laws.
In a dreaming culture, dreams are valued and celebrated. The first business of the day, for most people, is to share dreams and seek to harvest their guidance. The community joins in manifesting the e...
Over the years, I heard clients blame everyone and everything for the issues they were dealing with in their lives, but they seldom considered the possibility that this was what they put into motion i...
Some people are looking for different ways to approach food and waste. Over three months I interviewed 21 young environmentalists, exploring how and why they began “dumpster diving”: searching waste b...
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, there has been lots of talk about how people have reacted to being forced to work from home.
Anytime we find ourselves suffering, in a state of misery, not experiencing our innate Unreasonable Joy, if we look at the mindstate we are in, it can be traced back to one of five poisons. It can be...
Every year most of us make New Year’s resolutions. Eat healthier. Exercise regularly. Invest more in valued relationships. Learn a language. And so on. Often they are the same resolutions as last year...
There are many wishes people make for family and friends at the start of a new year: for health and success, for love and prosperity, for success in their studies or any special endeavour, the list is...
The world tries to mold every person into a commodity: useful, efficient, obedient - never rebellious, never asserting itself, never declaring its own individuality, but always being subservient, almo...
Anthropologist Pat Shipman, in an issue of American Scientist, suggests dogs gave our human ancestors an advantage over Neanderthals when they arrived in Europe.
There appears to have been a significant rise in virtual reality (VR) offerings in 2020, aiming to deliver safe, accessible experiences during the pandemic. A number of visitor attractions have starte...
We all have a desire for wealth and prosperity. But there’s a deeper meaning to this desire than simply accumulating material goods or fattening our bank accounts. When properly aligned with our purpo...
People are interested in spiritual experience (if only at times of crisis or transition in their lives), and the clergy have not been trained to guide them through such experiences. All great religion...
Our commercial culture screams at us to go, go, go and buy, buy, buy as the way to happiness, but just as too many sweets will make us sick, too much stuff and a packed schedule leave us stressed, anx...
The complex process of hearing is connected to symmetry and balance. Let us consider 2 special cases of hearing disorders.
We are now a society at a distance. But the label used to describe these measures – “social distancing” – is a misnomer. While we must be physically distant, it’s crucial we maintain, or even increase...
Making changes requires purposefulness. We have to really wake up to the fact that we are not machines randomly responding to chance events in the world. We are actually a purposeful consciousness.
The bummer about 'shoulds' is that when we are dominated by them, we are also dominated by the fear of being rejected or abandoned in some way, because that's the core emotional fear that activates ma...
As many of us congregate indoors over dinner and drinks during the holidays, we need to think about ventilation to minimise...
Throughout the years, I became more cognizant of the high levels of stress, anxiety, suffering, and exhaustion that are the signature of our modem lifestyle. It became clear that the vision of woman b...
It’s well known that the microbes living in our guts are altered through diet. For example, including dietary fibre and dairy products in our diets encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria. But mo...
We cannot be truly healthy, have vitality and experience joy without being comfortable and at home in our bodies. As long as we are physical entities we might as well move all the way into our homes....
Touch has profound benefits for human beings. But over the last few decades, people have become increasingly cautious about socially touching others for a range of reasons. No more hugs?
It’s easy to think that everyone knows what “fake news” means – it was Collins Dictionary’s word of the year in 2017, after all. But to think it stops there is mistaken – and politically dangerous. No...
Producers and retailers of everything from toilet paper to homes want you to believe that their product is “green”. More are “greenwashing” their products. Greenwashing is the misleading claims of env...
People are in such a rush these days, living on the fast track. Talking fast, eating fast, moving fast. What a difference from sixty years ago. Did you know you'll probably do more in this year with a...
Christmas marks a peak in consumerism across the West. Despite the COVID downturn, this Christmas the spending frenzy is unlikely to be dampened.
I remember once believing that guilt was a wasted emotion. Like all emotions, there is a place for guilt. A centered spiritual being, one who has moved past limiting beliefs, will feel guilty doing so...
A dark mirror shows features one would rather not see. You gaze at the repulsive visage in the picture frame, the caricature of everything despicable, only to realize with dawning horror that you are...
It is natural to want to fit into a category that gives us an identity, especially if that identity provides a better understanding of ourselves and others, and explains the nature of our interactions...
Words are magic. Thoughts create actions that manifest forms. No matter what language you are using—English, Chinese, or the language of hieroglyphs—thoughts are things.
New advances in anthropology and paleontology have answered one of the most vexing questions about the Hunter/Farmer theory: “Why is the leftover Hunter/ADHD gene only present in a minority of our pop...
Each event in our life builds off other events emotionally so that they create our core themes. Every perception, drama, trauma, relationship (both the good and bad ones), fear, belief, success, and f...
Whatever you see in other individuals, you have inside yourself. I call this "the reflection principle": If you can recognize it in someone else, it's inside of you. If you think Einstein was a genius...
A move to the country is often presented in popular culture as an idyllic life, a place where you can escape the pressures of the city.
Self-isolation means far fewer opportunities to be physically active if you are used to walking or cycling for transportation and doing leisure time sports. But equally worryingly, the home environmen...
Fishing gear and plastic marine debris is a growing global issue. An estimated 640,000 tonnes of lost and abandoned fishing gear enters the oceans annually.
Many worry that playing video games might have a bad effect on the way their child behaves. For example, if a video game has lots of fighting in it, they worry that playing it will encourage their chi...
They are cute. They are fluffy (mostly). They are great fun and make perfect family pets. Right? Well, not entirely. With Christmas fast approaching, and despite...
The things you see your cat doing are probably what it enjoys. As long as it gets the chance to do these things then your cat is probably happy. Providing lots of toys to play with is a great way to k...
Most pet owners know chocolate and dogs don’t mix. Despite this, chocolate poisoning in dogs remains a problem, particularly at Christmas , as a new study in the journal Vet Record shows.
When most people are asked what they want to be remembered for, what matters most to them in life, or how they'd spend their remaining days if they only had a few left, the majority focus on relations...
J.K. Rowling famously wrote her Harry Potter series from local cafés and, eventually, out of a five-star hotel. She found that working from home had too many distractions, including child-care respons...
Many peo­ple suffer from Impostor Syndrome. Even those who have the highest academic, artistic, and business-related achievements suffer from feelings of unworthiness.
Grieving is not something done to us, but rather something we do. Thus, grief demands a response from us, one other than resignation. An active process specifies choices and presumes change. More than...
I curled up in a ball on the wood floor. I buried my face in my hands. Who said parenting would feel like this? No one. It’s supposed to be filled with soft-focus moments, me gazing lovingly at my chi...
As the pandemic restricts plans, long distance trips to visit relatives or meals with family and friends may be replaced with a video call. Still, you would like loved ones to know that they are remem...
When you live your truth, you know who you are, and you own it. The person you are inside and the person you are to the world are one and the same. You are no longer reluctant or afraid to stand for w...
Without reversing our present attitudes towards ourselves and others, we cannot attain enlightenment. We might think, "Well, so what?" But at the same time we don't want to remain in our present condi...
A negative condition is anything you perceive as lacking in joyful experience for yourself. Another person may perceive that experience to be joyful and a definitely positive condition. Conditions are...
A consciousness of abandonment may begin in early childhood with the death or divorce of a parent, the father taking a job in another town and seldom seeing the child, or perhaps feeling lost in a lar...
Affirmation is a skillful means for transforming energy, and it begins with the deletion of negative statements about self and others. A negative statement freezes one in time and space without room f...
Too often the inner brat influences us to say or do things that we later regret, just because it can't tolerate even mild frustration. Representing primitive desires and impulses, the inner brat wants...
Climate change is now climate crisis and a climate sceptic now a climate denier , according to the recently updated style guide of The Guardian news organisation.
What is meditation? Seems like it should be an easy question, but it's like asking what is love. There are so many aspects of it, so many perspectives on it, and so many ways to experience it that med...
Enlightenment does not mean everything in our lives works out. It doesn’t mean all money problems and relationship issues and health challenges suddenly disappear. What it does mean is the human drama...
We have so confused money with fulfillment that the very meaning of the word has been lost. Fulfillment can only be truly experienced internally. It is not something you can acquire or buy. It is not...
To say the world is going through some challenges is the understatement of the year. Never in history have we ever collectively faced such a challenge on a world level, despite the November 9, 2020 di...
Parenting is the most difficult job there is because of the immense responsibility of shaping another human being. A child's character and inner structure are like putty in the hands of his parents. P...
Compassion is not a thought or a sentimental feeling, but is rather a movement of the heart. Compassion is born out of lovingkindness. But we may get distracted, we forget, we get caught up in somethi...
For many people, outdoor recreation activities are part of their coping strategy during times of high stress. Connecting with the natural environment is an important contributor to their sense of iden...
Many parents and students are engaged in a daily routine of speaking to people via a camera on a computer, tablet or phone during COVID-19 restrictions. This often means finding a quiet place in order...
Since we originated in the essence of infinite and unconditional love of self, you may be wondering, then, "How did we end up stuck in this experience of life as a struggle?"
What if you never had to return to work? Never had to return to work at the office, that is. You’d be able to juggle kids on school holidays. You wouldn’t need to navigate traffic jams. Your employer...
It’s the season of giving – and spending. While the common adage is that money can’t buy happiness, others have suggested that if your money isn’t buying you happiness, then you are spending it in the...
A child with a broad repertoire of grammatical knowledge can skilfully choose how to phrase what they want to say. You’ll see children playing with grammar in unconventional ways when they text. It’s...
“The gods have used religion to their advantage, keeping you at each other’s throats for far too long. Which is why I wanted to come back and have this discussion.” He leaned back. “Any questions?”
Death is the great mystery of life. That is one of the reasons why the stories of those who have undergone a near-death experience (NDE) have captivated millions of people. We are curious about the af...
No one likes to fail. Every one of us, at some level, is afraid of making mistakes. Failure is embarrassing, it can leave us feeling exposed, and it never feels good.
One of the effects of the novel coronavirus pandemic, notable even in the first few weeks after it reached Europe and the United States, was an explosion of public interest in dreams. People who never...
Naturally we are scared to move into the unknown because our personality relies a lot on the symbols, psychological structures, and associations we develop. We become comfortable in a society, and wit...
Research shows that waste can double during the Christmas period, and most of it is plastic from gift wrapping and packaging. The British, for example, go through more than 40 million rolls of (mostly...
So sensitive are we to sound that noise pollution has been called the most common modern health hazard. High levels of unpleasant sounds cause blood vessels to constrict; increase the blood pressure,...
There is much you can do to prepare yourself for the great adventure of death. But it is well to remember that you are alive, and as such, you are meant to live. Avoid the tendency to become preoccupi...
There is a healing instinct within you that can manifest in dreams. You'd be surprised at the straightforward health advice they give, either spontaneously or on request. Tips on food, preventive ther...
Choosing to live and create a whole life in this current overculture is a radical act, one that requires you to consciously, courageously, and consistently make choices that support the whole to thriv...
Children differ widely in how well they do at school. In recent years, researchers have shown that around two-thirds of differences in school achievement can be explained by differences in children’s...
The coronavirus pandemic has put new pressures on relationships and many are feeling the strain. With families locked in houses, schools closed and job losses on the horizon, it’s perhaps inevitable t...
’Tis the season for gift-giving and for the scrooges among us to complain about the wastefulness of gift-giving. Why give gifts, they say, when people know what they want better than anyone else?
Depending on your culture, you are probably used to greeting someone with a handshake, hug or nose bump. Well, not any more.
Working from home is already so common it has its own acronym, and it’s about to get even more common still. Companies like Apple, Amazon and Microsoft are now advising employees to “WFH” to avoid exp...
The notion that immigration impacts wages or employment is largely based on a simplistic analysis of supply and demand. The idea is that immigration increases the supply of labour and, if everything e...
In the first half of the 20th century, people with TB were advised to stop kissing to protect their friends and family from contracting the dreaded disease. In 1905, delegates at an International Cong...
In our society we have confused liking with loving. We are taught when we really, really like something, we say we love it. Which means if I don’t like something, then there’s no way I can love it. Th...
As humans, everything we do requires energy. We need energy each morning to open our eyes, get out of bed, and plan what we’ll do next. From our first month in the womb to our ending days, our bodies...
We all can't wait to be done with the year 2020. Looking back over all the challenges this year brought to people both in the U.S. and across the globe, we're not likely to feel much fondness for the...
It is important to realize that all healing techniques whether they be physical, energetic, mental, or emotional are an attempt to reestablish proper flow. Blockage or stoppage has occurred because so...
When we feel lethargic, we naturally seek to address the situation. Unfortunately we are not always aware of the true causes for this fatigue. We think maybe it’s caused by low blood sugar so we eat s...
Perhaps you envision meditation as something completely peaceful and still. Not always. Meditation is a tool for calming and concentrating the mind any time, any place. Sitting meditation comes first...
Mindful parenting is not about a technique to create an outcome but about building a loving relationship for life. Children want to please us when they’re treated with love, compassion, respect—and wh...
There is a difference between wisdom and knowledge. One could say that wisdom is knowledge that has been brought into one's heart and experienced as true. We have all been introduced to many ideas and...
What about those times in our life when, no matter how hard we try, we can’t seem to get in sync with ourselves? The dark nights of the soul — we all have them. None of us lives a life perfectly align...
When a woman and man join, the coming together of bodies is the least of the meetings taking place. While the five senses are engaging in intense sensations, the minds of the two people are merging wi...
From an early age, my parents helped me to look at problems in the world not as monsters to fear but as opportunities for healing. I learned that there aren't really any monsters, just people who have...
One day at a retreat - I was quite young at the time - I was in a group, and we were asked to fall deeply still and find a restful place within. Then, when we opened our eyes, we saw a projected image...
We might say there are two types of mind within us -- the mind that is generative and the mind that is receptive. Generative mind keeps us awake at night, playing nonexistent chess games with the circ...
Abuse is deeply shattering to the body, psyche, and spirit. The process of opening up and letting go, of becoming aware, can break up the painful memories that arise from abuse, whether they've been t...
Neuroplasticity – or brain plasticity – is the ability of the brain to modify its connections or re-wire itself. Without this ability, any brain, not just the human brain, would be unable to develop f...
Marcus Aurelius was no stranger to pandemics. For 16 years of his reign as Roman Emperor (161-180 CE), the empire was ravaged by the Antonine plague, which took five million lives. It was during this...
Maybe you already know a bit about the simple and effective form of energy medicine named the Art of Jin Shin. Though the practice has many thousands of adherents all around the world and many men, wo...
Whether unconscious or conscious, we are all hungry for more depth of connection and more purpose. People often choose therapy as a last resort to heal their discomfort. My group therapy practice is b...
The other night I was sitting around a fire with a friend, discussing the influence of psychedelics on our lives, when she uttered this statement, “after three years of working with these mushrooms, I...
My first post-marital relationship was a sexual turning point. Blake was an exciting man. At the time we met, I'd been off alcohol for three years, so we were both completely drug free. We started mai...
As many have noted, United States President Donald Trump embodies the very worst American traits. If one were to caricature America’s vices, from bombast to narcissism, heartless individualism and tox...
While in class, children shouldn’t feel their time is wasted. Primary school teachers have an ethical responsibility to bring climate change into their classrooms and they’re well placed for the task.
Australia doesn’t currently export renewable energy. But an ambitious new solar project is poised to change that. The proposed Sun Cable project envisions a ten gigawatt capacity solar farm...
New research, published today in the journal Nature Communications, shows brain activity during the dreaming phase of sleep is remarkably similar to brain activity when we’re awake and processing new...
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) affects up to 24m people , globally, but little is known about its causes. Our latest study unravels some of this mystery. The results suggest that an overactive immune...
With a recession looming, it’s time to come up with a good recovery plan. There is no point in simply reinventing an outdated economic model, and recent research by economists and health experts has u...
It costs the state government more to keep a person chronically homeless than it costs to provide permanent supportive housing to end homelessness, our recent research shows.
The youngest woman ever elected to the United States Congress, Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is a force to contend with. With clear and forthright language, she speaks the truth of people’s reali...
COVID-19 has been a humbling experience. From a frayed pandemic early-warning system to a shortage of personal protective equipment for front-line workers, public health experts have been playing catc...
That animals touch us in a deep, central place is not a modern-day phenomenon, but one that pervades the history of the human-animal relationship. We sense that we can benefit spiritually in our relat...
From transport and housing to food production and fashion, our civilisation is driving climate and ecological breakdown.
As the COVID-19 pandemic has swept the world, politicians, medical experts and epidemiologists have taught us about flattening curves, contact tracing, R 0 and growth factors. At the same time, we are...
If you want to deal with your demons, it's appropriate to make a pit stop at a place as hot as hell -- Tucson, Arizona, in the summertime. It's 100-plus degrees right now -- with dark, ominous clouds...
I firmly believe that intuitive or symbolic sight is not a gift but a skill -- a skill based in self-esteem. Developing this skill -- and a healthy sense of self -- becomes easier when you can think i...
The elements of awareness encompass conscious knowing, the ability to read hearts, to be a healing, loving, compassionate presence, situated in the Now. They also encompass practical wisdom in every s...
As 5D humans we are unable to tolerate cruelty and harm to any living being. As an example, when talking about current events, I often say in a semi-joking way to my husband and close friends, “People...
Since the ancestors in our lineage have not been honored in our religion for many years and were often confronted with adversities in their era, we have forgotten where we come from, who we are, and w...
We can not be successful if we always focus on what went wrong. Whatever we focus on, whatever we put most of our attention on, grows and thrives. Harping on our mistakes and misfortunes will only pro...
People have an innate capacity for happiness. When we are happy, we are more competent, productive, and creative. Without the internal distractions of anger, depression, frustration, and especially wo...
When kundalini awakens beyond the heart, our perception deepens and we open to psychic capacities. It is through the third eye that we recognize and move away from the noise and chaos of the world...
Least effort is expended when your actions are motivated by love, because nature is held together by the energy of love. When you seek power and control over other people, you waste energy. But when y...
In the sixteen-century, people suffered from hunger, disease, hatred, and war. "How could God allow such terrible things to happen? Perhaps," Luria suggested, "it is because God needs our help." When...
You have been instructed to worry and fret all of your life. This has occurred through all sorts of means—school, friends, religious doctrine, literature, television, movies, history, and family. The...
The sixth Huna principle, Mana, states that there is nothing outside us that is more powerful than we are, and there is nothing that can’t be touched by our influence. Every dynamic action that we tak...
'Lighten up' is a popular phrase and for good reason. Most of us have a tendency to take ourselves much too seriously. We fret over everything we do as if we're supposed to be perfect in whatever we a...
During an NHL hockey game, the average ice time for a player per shift is 30 seconds. When a player hits the ice, he gives all of his strength and his full focus, because in 30 seconds, multiple goals...
For every setback, look for opportunity. That is a provocative statement, hard to accept when you feel betrayed or shamed or in the depths of grief or loss. When you have lost your job, or your partne...
It’s weird, we expect children to be respectful, yet we continually order them around. We make demands of them, then we are surprised when they are demanding. We yell, threaten, and punish, demonstrat...
As a psychologist whose specialty is treating men, I believe that behind many of the threats we face are the invisible, dangerous, dysfunctional and persistent beliefs that manhood is about power and...
Everybody on this planet has a spiritual support team. This group is our backup in the game of life. We come into the world with this team, and build on it through our spiritual practices and experien...
I trained as a conventional physician. I have also studied Native American healing for more than twenty-five years. I have walked with feet in two different worlds for my entire medical career. I did...
One of the fiercest and most hypocritical human emotions is envy. When the envy is conscious and sent deliberately, the harm is even more terrible, appearing as a sudden illness in the person's life,...
The idea that people can be healthy at any weight has gained credence in recent years, despite widespread evidence that obesity creates health risks. While the idea is attractive, it’s also dangerous...
Our belief systems are very real and solid to us and filled with myriad preconceptions about what is "right" and what is "wrong". When something occurs that contradicts our preconceptions, we immediat...
Just as true happiness is not simply the absence of problems but an internal life state that enables us to challenge any obstacles to happiness that come our way, health is not simply the absence of i...
It’s important to realize that everyone’s process — everyone’s sense of tragedy, loss, and grief — will be different. Some feel as if they are going crazy, or they feel absolutely lost. Some find hand...
It is our challenge to find strength and meaning in the tragedies, fears and confusions that confront us. In discovering ways of dealing with those inevitable events, we have the possibility of alchem...
The first step in changing what’s not working for you is awareness — becoming conscious of what you are currently blind to. You simply cannot change what you cannot see. But when you do see what was p...
Our minds are constantly in the past, focusing on our memories; or in the future, focusing on our expectations. But both of these states of mind are breeding grounds for fear. If we can pull our atten...
To summarize, we are at a crossroads. There is the old-world perspective of feudalism—rule by a king in cahoots with a religious oligarchy. Following this perspective ends up in a dictatorship support...
There is a magic word that can remove from existence any unhappy condition of mind, body, and affairs. This tiny word is power-packed and should be used instantly to negate any seeming evil thought, w...
The present is what is happening when you strip away all the resentments of your past and all the worries you have about your future. To live in the present is to live as if the past never existed and...
Once upon a time there was a Lodgekeeper who managed a mountain resort. Many people visited the area to hike and enjoy the natural splendor of the mountain. One day, a guest checked in and after getti...
Nike’s London store recently introduced a plus-sized mannequin to display its active clothing range which goes up to a size 32. The mannequin triggered a cascade of responses ranging from outrage to c...
During lockdown, travel restrictions caused car and public transport use to plummet across the UK. On April 12 2020, the number of daily trips by car fell to 22% , compared to a typical day the year b...
Everyone gets angry. Some people show it openly and others don't. In relationship, anger can be either healthy or unhealthy. How you process it is what determines whether it becomes a tool for growth...
I started asking the crowds who came to my workshops two questions: “Who believes they have a life purpose?” and “Who knows what their purpose is?” Without exception, everyone believed they had a purp...
It is my deep conviction that any meaningful religious or spiritual approach must also really address the key issue of today – and that is a world that works for all. Disparities and inequalities in i...
Fear patterns begin early in life, affect every relationship we have, and waste a lot of energy. Our inner dragons of fear can make us run from love and intimacy, hide from the very things we say we m...
When Donald Trump was elected President of the United States in 2016, every politically aware progressive American came to understand that there was a crisis in American politics like never before. Bu...
The coherence-building process in the universe is a real but subtle process. In the contemporary world it is often diverted and dominated by existential, more directly survival-oriented forces and imp...
Have you ever noticed that lessons tend to repeat themselves? Does it seem as if you married or dated the same person several times in different bodies with different names? Have you run into the same...
By your mid-30s or 40s, you wake up every morning and you feel like the same person. Your environment, which you relied on so heavily to remove your pain or guilt or suffering, is no longer taking awa...
Each of us has our own beliefs about receiving spiritual help. I interchange the terms guides and intuition , for they are intimately connected. But whether we attribute the guidance we receive to ang...
Although I am primarily a Christian, a Catholic contemplative, my heart and life are now totally open to wherever and whenever mystical graces take me. My inner life has been the drama of the divine m...
By nature, we are 5th dimensional humans. This has been encoded in our DNA. 5D humans live from their heart’s wisdom. They feel fully empowered and emit unconditional love and non-judgment for themsel...
We need to examine the spells that hypnotize us and break them when they hinder us. Spells are words, deeds and judgements that go unquestioned, undigested and unchallenged. It could be a doctor infor...
The most difficult act of bravery is often kindness. There are a hundred reasons not to help a stranger passed out in a parking lot. It’s potentially dangerous. The person might be “crazy,” have a com...
Exhaustive research has shown that meditation is an excellent antidote against stress, hyperactivity, and fear related themes. It has been found to increase your energy, as well as lower blood pressur...
Nothing can happen without the power to make it happen, and if you and I are to work at living more abundantly and soulfully, we will need not only a lot of love, determination and psychological matur...
The world of distraction spins around and around, while moving continuously to keep itself amused and entertained. It transports us to a world of fantasy, or a world of controversy, or competition, or...
Intention is the ability to decide what it is we want to achieve and then setting out to achieve that goal. We use the power of intention in business, politics, and education. Can we use it in healing...
Each soul incarnated into a specific form on earth for a unique purpose. Your journey is now and exists at this moment, whether you realize it or not. It will be more enjoyable if you consciously purs...
Once we've developed a relationship with our own inner teacher and guide, we have access to an unerring source of clarity, wisdom, and direction, right inside us at all times!
One of the concepts that has proved most useful to readers—and, in all honesty, to ourselves personally as we developed the book—is learning how to enhance the capacity to move into the right part of...
Money is a form of energy, just like love, time, and breath. However, in our modern world, we have made money the most common currency of exchange. It’s everywhere. We trade our time, our labor―and ev...
In the rapid-fire of the modern day workplace, teams with diverse perspectives can produce unique solutions to problems while generating fresh and creative ideas. This powerful perspective is often ev...
When creativity dies within a company or career, your eventual end is soon cast in stone. Let’s take a look at a company that has gone out of business and why one of my three distinct flavors of compl...
Most of us have some corner where we cannot forgive ourselves. Our hearts ache for the choices made or denied, and we bury that ache beneath a blanket of guilt or high-minded justifications.
Mechanical behaviors are old ways of doing things that once worked, or appeared to have worked, in situations that were stressful or in situations that were actual or perceived as potentially endanger...
Our culture invariably supposes that action and accomplishment are better than rest, that doing something -- anything -- is better than doing nothing. Poisoned by this hypnotic belief that good things...
When purpose and pleasure are brought together work becomes play. Every bit of work done in this spirit strengthens the man who does it. It is recreative as well as creative.
Musicians and artists have long used cannabis to enhance their creativity. But how does the drug affect more conventional nine-to-five jobs? With cannabis now legal in more places...
What geniuses do is straightforward enough — they recognize their gifts, and then they fully and completely embrace their craft. These people have achieved success because they surrendered fully and c...
One of the biggest problems that people bring to therapy is not knowing what to do with a wide range of feelings, including sadness, anger, ecstasy, fear, and depression. Many visits to medical doctor...
It is true that change is the only constant. You cannot stop it or interfere with it. It is ongoing and occurring every minute all the time. What you can do is learn to deal with it appropriately so t...
Near our little house in the woods runs a lovely rushy stream, Clove Creek. While it’s often brisk and prosperous, it takes a huge spring thunderstorm to understand how such a modest flow could carve...
If you let your mind run riot on its own, your ego will keep you in the illusory world of the future and past and this, my friend, is chaos. By meditating, creating space, becoming still in your mind,...
When it comes to your life story, deciding where you invest your time and energy during the prime working years of your career is one of the most important decisions you will ever make.
For me, being of service means working on behalf of and thus taking a stand for a cause or causes that we believe in and which are dear to our hearts, and where we feel we can make some kind of positi...
Spiritual creativity is a way of life, a way of wholeness. It is a path of integrity. Integrity entails not just a few beliefs or specific acts, but an attitude that we adopt and practice in our every...
An unfeeling heart has even been admired by many, as evidence of a "scientific outlook". The truth is that without love no one can penetrate deeply into the heart of things. For while emotions can clo...
I am probably the last person that should be saying how, when, and where to meditate. I have set a goal of daily meditation at least a hundred times, and I haven't succeeded for more than three consec...
I know you're carrying a lot right now. In your life, in your mind, inside your emotional body, too. The load is heavy. I just want you to know, I feel you. Today, I want to send you some tender love....
Grief is a natural reaction to loss and is something each of us will go through at some point in our lives, whether it is due to the loss of a loved one, a job, or even a belief. When something we lov...
Our parents and our relatives are among our most important teachers; they help shape our view of the world, how we understand ourselves, and our relationships with ourselves and with others.
It is hard to describe to those wholly invested in the spiritual path that at a certain point the obsessive and all-encompassing nature of the path gives way to utter simplicity. We attend to the huma...
If you have contradictory desire streams -- desires for two opposing things at the same time -- it becomes much more difficult for Nature to fulfill your desires. For example, you might think that you...
Can anything be as joyous as a dog? Bounding ahead, crashing into the bushes while out on a walk, happy, happy, happy. Conversely, can anything be as disappointed as a dog when you say, "No, we are no...
What are beliefs really? Beliefs are opinions, assumptions, prejudices, judgments, ideas, and attitudes through which everything you experience in life is filtered. They are the lenses through which w...
Soon after we found out Anthony had died I was showering and could hear him screaming at me... I’m OK, Ma! I’m OK! The shock hit me. A glass wall separated us and he was screaming for me to hear him.
There she grows now, so tall, the tallest woman you have ever seen. Green goddess in the harbor, bearing light and knowledge. Her grotto is the open sky, the water is her shrine, appearing to the fait...
Forgiving means "releasing the pain associated with an event. You don't need to forgive the action, just the person. Your reason for forgiving is to heal yourself, not because it is something that you...
I grew up in a blue-collar neighborhood on the south side of Chicago. I had nothing in common with my family, let alone with my neighbors and classmates. I always felt alienated there, as if I were in...
When someone comes to me with a particular dis-ease or ailment, that they want to eliminate, my first feeling is to cure them – to relieve them of all pain. That isn’t always the case however. Sometim...
The familiar Golden Rule -- Do unto others as you would have them do unto you -- has analogues throughout the world's cultures. A better version of the Golden Rule for couples -- and one of the secret...
Aging is the result of oxidative stress in which the production of free radicals is out of balance with the more protective antioxidants. And the more oxidative stress we have the quicker we age. It d...
Do the best couples have any secret strategies for staying mindful and not taking one another for granted? Paying attention each time your partner reaches out in some tiny way, even if you must say, '...
Losers visualize the penalties of failure. Winners visualize the rewards of success. Today, we are going to talk about creative visualization, that is, the technique of using your imagination to creat...
As women at midlife, we understand our priorities. We’ve demonstrated how good we are at problem-solving, over and over again. Many of us find midlife to be a time of reinvention, starting new careers...
I was extremely fortunate in that very soon after leaving university, a gateway came stalking me. (Yes, we need to know that what we are looking for is also seeking us out.) It took the form of my bum...
The singular and most important idea that will help us stay calm in an emergency — or at any other time — is that we have a choice. It often doesn’t feel like we have a choice. Something happens, we g...
One reason the story of the Titanic disaster has such enduring appeal is that it is an object lesson in the need to question perceived reality, trust our gut, and when necessary, act on our own person...
When faced with the death or serious illness of a loved one — whether a parent, son or daughter, spouse, or long-time friend — we are almost always shaken, often to the core. When the death is unexpec...
Quite often, I spend time with people who are extremely critical of themselves for having multiple failed relationships. The truth is, they're missing the point: We can't fail, because there's no way...
If you’ve ever taken a course of antibiotics, then you’re probably familiar with some of the side effects of these drugs, including gastrointestinal distress, overgrowth of harmful bac­teria in the in...
You are responsible for all your feelings. Never put yourself down. Never think or say anything negative about yourself. Take a few minutes everyday...
Foreplay is a 24 hour a day affair for most women, in that it is everything that happens between partners during the day. For a woman, foreplay begins when the couple awakens in the morning. From that...
Since the 1960s, 26 percent of the adults in the United States -- 50 million people -- have made a comprehensive shift in their worldview, values, and way of life -- their culture, in short. These cre...
In the Western world, we are not very good at talking about death. It’s almost as if it has become a taboo subject. One of the ways we demon­strate our uncomfortableness on this subject is to use euph...
America is reeling from an epidemic of ill health that drives people to despair and to doctors. The litany is ­familiar: cancer, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, and digestive disturbances, with th...
If you're in a relationship and are ready to deal with your conflicts, don't be afraid. You and your partner have the power to share your feelings and needs -- and reach agreement peacefully. Is it po...
While I thought my biggest fear was of the unknown, of losing control, of being horrified by the darkness inside and around me, it turns out that darkness had been my friend all along. Darkness, my mo...
In every given moment, each of us has a glorious opportunity to release our self-limiting stories, learn to live from our true nature, and become the highest and brightest expression of ourselves. And...
Any moment in which we are unaware and out of balance and harmony, then we are in trance. When we are feeling superior and feel justified in our judgments, we are in trance. When we feel inferior or u...
There are many virtues appropriate to our present circumstances that are extolled in the wisdom of Sanskrit: Abhayam (अभयम्) fearlessness; Balam (बलम्) strength; Buddhi (बुद्धि) reason, Kshamā (क्षमा)...
With each breath in I affirm I have a life purpose. With each breath out I send my purpose out to the world, where it may manifest in my life. This continues automatically as I breathe in and out.
I had accepted our culture's stale and simplistic view of adulthood -- that the person you are at midlife is the person you will always be. At precisely the time when I thought my development was comi...
Fault finding serves as a means to justify an illusory sense of superiority. To become a love finder requires us to be vigilant and self-realized. Most of us are just regular, ordinary people; therefo...
What do you want from your money? College tuition for your kids? A bigger house? Security when you retire? Wouldn't it be great simply to have enough money so you don't have to worry? The "enough mone...
Partners sometimes try so hard to protect each other's feelings. They cannot connect, draw close, or touch each other emotionally because of these protective defenses. The object of truth-telling is t...
Quantum reality is a place that exists beyond time and space as we know it; it’s where the metaphysical (the intangible such as thoughts, beliefs and emotions) meets with the material realm to decide...
If, as Shakespeare so aptly pointed out, all the world’s a stage and each of us are merely players, playing our parts until we fade away into oblivion, the question inevitably becomes “Who is choreogr...
Everything in our lives -- including all the crappy things -- is a choice that we have made for urselves. That is a difficult fact to face for most of us, since it's much easier to blame random circum...
Every day, everyone we meet can be assisted by simply our changing our attitude and our focus. We can all change the world today. On passing people in the street, on the bus, in places of work and pla...
Breath has the ability to take you to the place that all the words—voiced so differently but so similar in ­intention—point directly to: the source, the ground state, the wide-open dimension, the God.
There’s a saying that everyone has a book inside them. While I don’t know if that’s true, I do believe that everyone has something special to offer the world. Sadly, most people keep their gift hidden...
Your life’s purpose is unique to you, as singular as your fingerprint. Some refer to their life’s purpose as their call­ing or even their destiny. Essentially, your life’s purpose is the reason you ar...
When I made it into the NFL, it was the culmination of everything I’d dreamed of as a boy — and an obsession that caused me to beat up my body as well as my mind and spirit.
Words which contain a reference to good and evil have become degraded, especially those which refer to the good -- not only courage but also effort, patience, love and hope -- are met with cynicism an...
For spiritual growth to take place in your life, you must change. You must let go of some areas in your life and personality -- especially the areas that are not working well or are out of balance --...
Instead of embracing change and uniqueness, we are raised to fear both. Our conditioned ego asks that we expend huge amounts of energy trying to create a false sense of security and stability. It chid...
What’s the difference between dreams, visions and fully fledged Out-of-Body Experiences? Can we chalk it all up to imagination? Is there any empirical data that suggests we can actually “move” outside...
Why should we, why do we need to, reconnect to The Source? And what is The Source, and how do we connect with it? These are some urgent and now vital questions...
How do you help your child achieve a positive sense of worth? By teaching him how to appreciate himself. Do this by: 1. First, no matter how your child is behaving, find something within him to value...
The sacred has always been with us. It’s right there outside the window. It’s right there outside the walls we’ve built around ourselves, right there outside the doors of perception made opaque by the...
When you justify the old— “Well, we have always done it as such, so this must be the way”— you are a follower, you are sheep. And, in fact, the Divine Self as you is not a sheep, but a shepherd.
It has been dramatically revealed to me time after time that the Biblical pronouncement of "Ask and Ye Shall Receive" is a veritable truism. It only needs a deep-seated belief and a fervent affirmatio...
A third party has no power to break up a healthy relationship. No one can come between you and your partner unless something has already come between you. A mate having an affair is not the cause of a...
As I sit at the computer, reading my email, I am also blow drying my hair, typing with one hand. My back starts to ache from sitting in one position for too long. As I tune into my body, I realize tha...
It is commonly agreed that the Chinese lunar calendar and its animals coincide generally with the Western astrology Sun signs. In making this correlation from the Sun signs to the animals, I used the...
It can be difficult for some people to step outside their comfort zone -- for me that is definitely the case. Who doesn’t like their comfort? But nothing beautiful ever grows in these surroundings.
Our five senses, our fantastic curiosity, our exhilarating emotional capacity are just a few of our avenues to gladness. Even when headlines clamor, or life deals tough challenges, we can find numberl...
In order for more life to flow through our earthly existence, we need to let that which no longer serves our evolutionary purpose “die,” just as shamanic initiates had to surrender to transformation i...
Humans often spend an inordinate amount of time and energy avoiding the fact that there is an elephant in the room. This phrase refers to an important topic which everyone is aware of but which isn’t...
If you are nervous with a new assignment or situation, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you shouldn’t go through with it. It could be a signal that something important is about to happen. It could be...
Oxytocin is often called “the love hormone” because of its role in social bonding, reproduction and childbirth. This hormone may also affect our memory – though in ways that aren’t completely clear.
Electric vehicle sales have grown exponentially in recent years, accompanied by dropping prices. However, adoption of EVs remains limited by their higher sticker price relative to comparable gas vehic...
We are in a transition phase. The world is changing at a rate never before witnessed, and this can unsettle people. This transition phase means that all aspects of our lives will change. But not all c...
You are a vibrating mass of particles. You are energy. You are light. Energy is continuously moving through form, into form, out of form and back again. Energy is expansive and is always on the move.
In Nature, there is no separation. Everything is connected, and if it is a cooperative and connected universe, then that means that we are each an inextricable part of that interdependence. This leads...
We all like to think we are prepared for the unexpected. Yet in my work as an executive coach, I’ve listened to many people describe professional situations where they were caught off guard and discov...
Can any two people create and maintain a great relationship? You may not think so, because in your search for love, you've only met with failure and disappointment. You may have come to expect that an...
During the first few months of 2003, I was taught something remarkable by 123 children, from 2 to 13 years of age. There is something remarkable about kids: they experience life in a way that expresse...
Consider for a moment the possibility of your personality acting as your mask, as the protection you don for the world. Like performers, each of us presents ourselves as having certain personal charac...
Can a man who longs for a woman to complete him really believe that he needs to do nothing more than lose himself in television sports and drink imported beer while he's waiting for his beloved to app...
It is hard for us to fathom the true significance of the unique events taking place on Earth, but they are unprecedented and profound. You and I have each been preparing for thousands of years for thi...
Everyone has dreams. You may dismiss them, wish them into your life or escape into them, but there is always one inside you. Have you ever attempted to make your dream your life's reality? This is lif...
Consensus reality occurs when others agree with our dominant conframes and we all forget that we're only dealing with our habitual interpretations and not reality itself. Even if others share our conf...
We walk around our planet typically living, seeing, and responding from our third-dimensional expression. And we typically have no awareness that this is far from the only expression we have access to...
Being aware of these common thinking traps allows you to get them under control. Realize that you tend to rely more on these biases when you are more emotional, when in a rush, fatigued, or anytime yo...
Domestication, for an animal, means not being completely free to roam or to even eat as they please. Pets therefore align with their humans for only one of two reasons: either by their own choice or f...
Our energy level and mental programs are the major contributing factors to how we interpret what's going on in our lives. That's why the most important tool I have to offer to increase self awareness...